Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, Note: 126105 (2011)

Note: Temperature derivative of the refractive index of binary mixtures measured by using a new thermodiffusion cell

F. Croccolo, F. Plantier, G. Galliero, G. Pijaudier-Cabot, M.Z. Saghir, F. Dubois, S. Van Vaerenbergh, F. Montel and H. Bataller

A thermodiffusion cell is developed for performing Soret experiments on binary mixtures at high pressure and in the presence of a porous medium. The cell is validated by performing experiments at atmospheric pressure. The experiments are performed by applying different temperature gradients to binary mixtures in order to determine their thermal contrast factor. These measurements provide a first demonstration of the good reproducibility of this kind of measurements upon calibration.
