Comptes Rendus Mécanique 341, 340 (2013)

Thermodiffusion of the tetrahydronaphthalene and dodecane mixture under high pressure and in porous medium

Cédric Giraudet, Fabrizio Croccolo, Guillaume Galliero, Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, Stefan Van Vaerenbergh, M. Ziad Saghir, François Montel, and Henri Bataller

A thermodiffusion cell is used in order to perform Soret experiments on binary mixtures at high pressure and in the presence of a porous medium. The cell is validated at atmospheric pressure with toluene/hexane and the tetrahydronaphthalene/dodecane mixtures. The mass separation follows a diffusive behaviour when the cell is filled with a porous medium. At least three times the relaxation time is needed to have a good estimation of the Soret coefficients. From the transient state of the mass separation and using accepted values of the diffusion coefficient, the tortuosity of the porous medium was evaluated, too. Finally, experiments at high pressure were performed with the tetrahydronaphthalene/dodecane system. In these experiments, decreases of the Soret coefficient and of the tortuosity of the porous medium were measured as a function of the pressure.