11.) BLOG POST: Outsourced Wearable Object: Finalize and Verify

Post date: Nov 17, 2020 8:8:54 PM




Outsourced Wearable Object: Finalize and Verify

Tuesday, November 17

Monday November 23 @ 11:59pm (midnight!)

Assignment Description:

Moving forward with one of our ring designs, we will finalize the model in Rhinoceros, and prepare our design for fabrication via Shapeways.com.

In addition, we will document our progression through this project in a new post on our process blog.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create a final 3D design for your ring in Rhinoceros.

2.) Upload to Shapeways.com (be sure your uploaded model's units match units from Rhino)

3.) Select a material for your design.

4.) Check your ring for any potential errors in Shapeway's "3D Tools" section (you'll use this for your blog post!)

Documentation Requirements:

1.) Screenshots of prototype models (for 3 selected concepts)

2.) Consideration of feedback from group discussions (on November 6th)

3.) HD renders of final design - from 3 (three) different perspectives

4.) Screenshot of your model having passed tolerance tests in Shapeway's 3D tools for your chosen material (see sample below)

5.) Screenshot of wall thickness analysis "heatmap view" via Shapeway's 3D tools for your chosen material (see sample below)

6.) Include a brief explanation/description for all visual documentation above