01b.) Blog Post: Castle

Post date: Sep 15, 2020 7:8:5 PM




Blog Post: Castle

Tuesday September 15

Monday September 21

@ 11:59pm

Assignment Description:

Using Rhino's basic geometry, extrude and move tools, students will create an original model of a "castle". Then, document the results via screenshots on their process journal.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Using basic processes covered in class, create a 3D model of a castle in Rhino.

3.) Use Snipping Tool to take at least six screen shots of your castle (in various perspectives and render modes)

4.) Create a new post on your process blog, title it, write a brief introduction and upload the images you captured of your castle.

5.) Include, along with the images, a brief description of which shapes, tools and/or processes you used to create your model.

6.) Include, also, a brief description of the successes and challenges met during this exercise.

7.) Submit your blog URL on Mosaic (Look for the "Process Blog URL" assignment.)

Strong examples of student work from previous semesters:

