03.) BLOG POST: Milestone 1: 2D Surface Design Study

Post date: Sep 22, 2020 7:29:54 PM




2D Surface Design Study

Tuesday September 22

Monday Oct 5

@ 11:59pm (Midnight)

(2-week turnaround)

Assignment Description:

Taking inspiration from one or more surface design(s) we find (in the real world!), create a geometric surface design sample using 2D tools explored in rhino.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Scavenger hunt! Find and document (photos!!!) at least 10 examples of surface design from your every day lives. Look for ornamentation and patterns in clothing, furniture, architecture, interior decor, and more.

2.) Using a variety of Rhino 2D tools covered in class - create your own surface design sample inspired by one (or more!) of the designs you found.

3.) Describe what drew you from the examples you documented, and how your sample attempts to take inspiration from it/them.

4.) Document ALL of the above in two (2) posts on your process blog (1 per week).

5.) We will do a mini "peer feedback" session next week, so try to lay out some of the ground work for your design before next class!

See examples from previous semesters:

