12.) 3D Printed Chess Set: Concept Drawings (In-class)

Post date: Nov 12, 2019 7:29:11 AM




3D Printed Chess Set: Concept Drawings

Tuesday November 12

Tuesday November 12 @ end of class

Assignment Description:

We will each be designing 3D-printable a chess set. First: we will get our ideas on paper during an in-class brainstorming session. Create a concept drawing showcasing a concept for each of the 6 unique chess pieces.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) In your sketchbook, create a plan/drawing for each of the 6 (at minimum) unique chess pieces:

i.) Pawn

ii.) Bishop

iii.) Rook

iv.) Knight

v.) Queen

vi.) King

2.) Cliche Warning: Think outside of the box. Get weird. We are in no way interested in seeing a "traditional" set design.

3.) The set should be cohesive - each piece should look as if it belongs with the others!

4.) Consider the 3D printing technology we will be using (FDM) in your design. Will it require support material? Are details too intricate to be printed?

5.) Consider the possibility of incorporating non-3d-printed materials (i.e. hardware, wire, laser-cut wood/acrylic, etc)

6.) After out brainstorming session, we will be doing another peer-review session!

Design Resources:

In case it is helpful, here is some information about chess set standards.

HOWEVER - feel free to break these rules-of-thumb as you see fit!


Selected sets from last semester:
