02.) Make These Shapes (I)

Post date: Sep 17, 2019 6:21:21 PM




Make These Shapes (I)

Tuesday September 17

Tuesday September 24 @ 2pm

(class time)

Assignment Description:

To familiarize ourselves with Rhino's 2D drawing functions, we will create these practice shapes.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create each of the shapes from this problem set.

2.) Do not worry about scale at this time, but try to approximate each shape as accurately as possible.

3.) All drawings should be together in one rhino file, and arranged in the same order as pictured in the problem set sheet.

4.) Save the file and upload to Mosaic by the beginning of next class (Tuesday September 24).

5.) Write/sketch any questions or problems you run into down in your sketchbook and bring them with you to next class (Tuesday September 24).