01.) Blog Post: Castle

Post date: Sep 16, 2016 12:59:58 PM




Blog Post: Castle

Tuesday September 10

Monday September 16

@ 11:59pm

Assignment Description:

Using Rhino's basic geometry, extrude and move tools, students will create an original model of a "castle". Then, each student will document the results via screenshots on their process journal.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Using basic processes covered in class, create a 3D model of a castle in Rhino.

3.) Use Snipping Tool to take at least six screen shots of your castle (in various perspectives and render modes)

4.) Create a new post on your process blog, title it, write a brief introduction and upload the images you captured of your castle.

5.) Include, along with the images, a brief description of which shapes, tools and/or processes you used to create your model.

6.) Include, also, a brief description of the successes and challenges met during this exercise.

7.) Submit your blog URL on Mosaic (Look for the "Process Blog URL" assignment.)

***Complete this assignment by Monday, September 16th at 11:59pm.***

Strong examples of student work from previous semesters:

