10.) Outsourced Wearable Object - Concept Generation

Post date: Oct 29, 2019 9:9:30 AM




(Outsourced) 3D Printed Ring - Concept Generation

Tuesday October 29

Tuesday November 6 @ class start

Example 1:

Example 2:

Assignment Description:

We will be putting our developing Rhino skills to the test by creating our first 3D-Printable object: Rings. Rather than a traditional band or ring design, we will push ourselves - as well as the technology itself - by creating ring designs that would be difficult to produce by traditional manufacturing or fabrication techniques.

As a starting point, we will each be generating at least six preliminary concepts during class. Afterwards, select three of your concepts to refine further.

Then, we will create a 2D "proof sheet", showcasing our designs in isometric perspective, as well as demonstrating 1:1 scale of our designs.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) During class time, we generated 6 (or more) concepts. Now, it is time to refine 3 of them.

2.) Create refined models for each concept (for a total of 3) in Rhinoceros.

3.) Create a 8.5"x11" (A4/letter size) layout for these models, illustrating for each:

a.) One larger isometric view of your design

b.) One top view (1:1 scale)

c.) One front view (1:1 scale)

d.) One back view (1:1 scale)

e.) One side view (1:1 scale)

*hint: Use the "make2D" command (from each view in Rhino) to generate linework for models

4.) Print this proof sheet and bring with you to next class

5.) See above for an example proof sheet

6.) DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. You'll be including it in a future blog post.