Second Workshop (Sheffield, Sept 2011)

This took place on 17-18th September 2011, in Sheffield, at the HRI, Gell Street.

A full programme is available here and the abstracts can be viewed here. The workshop was a two-day event with a concentration upon

(i) providing a platform for UK-based experimental philosophers, (ii) providing instruction in experimental methods and (iii) providing a forum for constructive discussion and collaboration to help and encourage new experimental work.

Keynote Speakers

  • Josh Knobe (Yale University)

In Search of the True Self

  • Paulo Sousa (QUB)

Research Training Session

  • Kelly Schmidtke (Nottingham)


  • Florian Cova (presenting) (Geneva) & Maxime Louis Bertoux (ICM Epinière, CRICM-UPMC/INSERM, Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière)

Judgments about moral responsibility and determinism in patients with behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia: Still compatibilist

  • Ivar Hannikainen (presenting) (Sheffield) & Fiery Cushman (Harvard)*

Agent and Patient Simulation in Moral Judgement

  • Margaret Moore (presenting), Matthew Kieran & Aaron Meskin (Leeds)

'Bad Taste' in Empirical Aesthetics: Mere Exposure, Value and Expertise

  • Pendaran Roberts (presenting) & Kelly Schmidtke (Nottingham)

Color disagreement and the metaphysics of color: An empirical response to a recent argument

Discussion Topics and Other

  • Peter Caven (Sheffield) introducing: Moral Dilemmas and Tragic Remorse
  • Guy Fletcher (Oxford) introducing: When do we Disagree?
  • Jon Webber (Cardiff) X-Phi Turbo on developing an experimental philosophy database

* cancelled

Workshop Organisers: Robin Scaife (Sheffield), Bryony Pierce (Bristol), and James Andow (Nottingham)

The Evaluative Nature of the Folk Concepts of Weakness and Strength of Will

This workshop was financially supported by a Mind Association Major Conference Grant