6th Conference

6th Conference of Experimental Philosophy Group UK:

Joining Forces of Philosophy and the Empirical Sciences to Tackle Social Injustices

29-30 June 2015, University of Nottingham

Confirmed keynote speakers

Kimberley Brownlee (University of Warwick)

Edouard Machery (University of Pittsburgh)

Ron Mallon (Washington University in St. Louis)


Click this link to the conference website where you can register.

Fees: £25 standard fee, £15 concessionary rate.

Student Bursaries

The Analysis Trust has made a number of bursaries available to support graduate students attending the conference. The bursary will cover up to 50% of the cost of registration and accommodation but cannot be used to pay for travel expenses. If you wish to apply for an Analysis Trust student bursary please e-mail us at: experimentalphilosophyuk@gmail.com


Physics Building, University Park Campus, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD.

The venue is building 22 on this map. Parking areas are also shown on the map.

Call for papers

The deadline has now passed. See PDF below for details.

Accessibility information

  • All conference rooms are wheelchair accessible
  • There are accessible toilets on floors A and B of the building
  • There are parking spaces for blue badge holders next to the building
  • The restaurant in which the conference dinner will take place (Nada Budaya, 20-22 Broad Street) is wheelchair accessible (through the kitchen) and has accessible toilets
  • Blue badge parking is available at Victoria Street, 350m away from the restaurant
  • An induction loop system is available in one of the meeting rooms - please let us know in advance if you require this
  • Personal assistants may attend free of charge - please provide details when registering.

The conference benefits from the financial support of The Mind Association, The Society for Applied Philosophy and The Analysis Trust.

Special thanks to Andreas Bunge (Nottingham) for helping the Founder Members by acting as the main organiser for this event.