Loading and saving

Timelines and Tracks can be saved and loaded. However, two different types of data saves can be done. Each with its pro's and con's.

Human readable

The File button present in the bottom toolbar, allows you to save either the currently selected track or the whole visible timeline. The output of such an action is a readable file with the timeline or track extension which can be edited in any external editor. This is handy if you need to generate timelines from an external application.

The Format is JSON 6.0. However, only the structure will be saved, not the actions parameters.

For example, the current track, once saved will create a text file with :


"ForceStart": false,

"Timeline": [


"Name": "Rotate",

"ClassId": "HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions.Rotate",

"IsBreakpoint": true,

"ColorIndex": 0,

"StartTime": 1.6322943,

"StopTime": 2.632294,

"signalOnStop": false,

"signalOnStart": false



"Duration": 5.0,

"StartEventName": "",

"FinishEventName": ""


Note : The current parameters cannot be saved and loaded using text. Unity 5 should solve this problem.

Binary data

The whole timeline can be saved and reloaded for reuse. Unfortunately, it will not be readable. To do so, you must use the Save FSM template.

This will save the current Track into a reusable Template FSM that will include action parameters.