Track Inspector

The track inspector displays the Name of the current track and allows you to change it (1).

The description (2) and URL (6) are for documentation purpose should some user decide to save the current track for reuse or share.

The track duration (3) can be altered. Beware that the current unit can be changed using the dedicated button in the timeline upper toolbar.

The action list (4) will display all actions that the currently selected track holds. (5) Clicking on the action list will select the action. The help and remove buttons (10) allow for quick navigation to online documentation and reset functionalities.

Additionally to immediate start, a track can be started conditionally on receiving a global or system event (7). Similarly, an event can be sent when the timeline hits its end (9). The List available for send is the current global events available to all FSM's. The force start toggle (8) allows a timeline to be started without the global event. This can be useful to do loops.