Your Programs

On this page I would be happy to publish a selection of EV3 Python programs that you have sent me at

If you send me a program that you would like to share with the EV3 Python community, then please include a short description of what the program does and, above all, indicate how to build a compatible model. The simplest approach would be to use the standard Lego 'driving base' model, as I have done for almost all the programs on this site, or Laurens Valk's Explor3r model. But any other other model for which build instructions are easily available online would be OK (in that case, please indicate where to find the build instructions). Please make it very clear to which ports the motors and sensors should be attached. Make it clear whether you want your name to appear. Please include useful comments within the program itself.

I will only publish my personal selection of your programs on this page. If your program is selected and published here and you wish to your program removed at some future time then just email me. 

If I decline to publish your program it doesn't necessarily mean your program is junk (though it could mean that!). It could also mean your program is too similar to an existing program, too complex for this site etc.

I'm afraid I can't offer any diagnostic service to help you determine why your EV3 Python program does not work!

Thanks in advance for sharing your programs with the EV3 Python community!


Wee Choon Kiat (Cort), co-leader of the A Posteriori robotics club in Singapore, has kindly invited me to link to their resources on Python on EV3 and EV3 in general, mostly focused on the RoboCup Junior Rescue Line competition.


@loopspace has used Python to program not only an EV3 but also two BBC Micro:Bit devices so that one Micro:Bit can control the EV3, with the second Micro:Bit acting as a go-between.

In @loopspace's words, 'This video shows a BBC micro:bit controlling a Lego EV3 Robot driving round a landscape meant to represent Mars.

The setup consists of two micro:bits, one attached to the EV3 brick and the other hand-held. The hand-held micro:bit sends information about its accelerometer and button readings to the micro:bit attached to the EV3 brick. The receiving micro:bit passes that information along to the EV3 brick, where it is interpreted into instructions on how to move the robot.

The basic controls are tilt control, with the A button being used to control the robot arm.

The programs used can all be found at

The EV3 brick is running ev3dev ( The micro:bits and the EV3 brick are all programmed in python.' The code is on github.

Thanks, @loopspace, for sharing this with us.