Going Further

On this page you will find links to some demonstration programs that go further than the very simple EV3 Python programs you will find elsewhere on this site. Some of these scripts don't make use of the great new functions available in EV3 Python v2 because they were written before v2 came out and they have not been updated. However, since v2 still includes all the old v1 functions, older scripts like these should continue to work.

Ev3rstorm Marvin

This script gives the Ev3rstorm robot the personality of Marvin, the paranoid android who stars in the radio series / TV series / book series / motion picture 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'. This is one of the only scripts on this site that creates a new 'class' - a very important concept in Python.

Droid factory 

Droid factory tracks the number of light and dark-colored droids passing on a conveyor belt. Includes video and EV3 Python code.


SeanBot is an EV3 robot controlled via a web interface. Code available HERE.

See also my YouTube playlist of ev3dev demos

See also the amazing, very advanced projects on the ev3dev.org site. Some but not all of these projects were made with EV3 Python.