About this site
This site is offered free as a service to the community - I decline any responsibility for any damage that following the advice on this site might cause!
This site is not endorsed by Lego Corporation.
The information in this site is offered on an 'as is' basis, without warranty. The webmaster assumes no liability to any person or entity with respect to loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this site.
I'm afraid I can't offer any diagnostic service to help you determine why your EV3 Python program does not work!
Don't miss my other sites:
ev3basic.com for a simpler, easier to install textual programming language for the EV3
mind-storms.com for robotics, especially the EV3
nward.com, my teaching site
Techno Files which discusses technology other than robots.
I couldn't have achieved a certain level of competence in EV3 Python and therefore could not have made this site without the kind and patient help of the main contributors to the EV3Dev project: David, Denis, Daniel and Kaelin.
The person responsible for this site is Nigel Ward, a teacher of physics, integrated science and ICT who is British but based in the French Riviera. If you have any questions or comments about this site please write to me at nward2008 - at - gmail.com