Web Tour

Quick Reference Guide for Moderators

Web Tour allows moderators to take participants to a series of websites via an embedded browser window within the Elluminate Live! interface. Web Tour allows participants to interact independently with content in the window and allows moderators to redirect participants to any link.

Web Tour is a great way of taking users through a website (a synchronized Web surf) and then allowing them to interact on their own. For example, you can use Web Tour to take attendees to a website and then have them individually research a topic or complete a survey.

Using Web Tour*

  1. Click on the “Go to URL” button on your main toolbar or from the Tools menu, select Web Tour and then “Start a Web Tour…”
  2. Enter the URL that you wish to tour and click OK.
  1. A Web Tour window will open for each participant in the session. As the moderator navigates to different pages or to other websites, the participants will follow. If there are multiple moderators in the session, the “Tour Guide” checkbox allows one moderator to be the guide. Participants also have the ability to self-navigate in the window, but will be re-directed every time the tour guide makes a change.

*Note: To use the Web Tour feature, users should have either Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox as their default Web browser and have Java Web Start Version 1.4 or higher. If you do not have these defaults the website will open up outside of the Elluminate Live! interface and in the participant’s default web browser – a Web Push.

Using Web Push

  1. From the Tools menu, select Web Tour and then “Go to URL”.
  1. Enter the URL that you wish to tour and click OK.
  1. The website will open in the participant’s browser on top of Elluminate. Participants will then be able to self-navigate throughout the website. They will also be able to bookmark or save the website.

Best Practices

  • The Web Tour feature is not available on Solaris and Linux systems. If you start a Web Tour, your Linux or Solaris users will receive a Web Push page to each page in your tour (i.e., the pages will be displayed in their default browser rather than in a Web Tour window).
  • For websites that require users to log in, ensure that everyone has a username/password. Alternatively, you can use Application Sharing to allow participants to see your view of the website.
  • When using Web Push, ask participants to use the emoticons or polling checkmark to indicate they have saved the pushed website and are ready to continue.
  • List the website URLs that you plan to use during your session in a text document. Copy and paste the appropriate URL from this document.