
After Login in you will be presented with the following screen prompting to download a file. Make sure open with Java and click ok.

The file being downloaded is the application for your Elluminate meeting.

You will shortly be presented with another pop up box asking if you Allow Elluminate to access your computer.

This time you will click on "Allow" otherwise the program will not run.

The next prompt you will receive will be asking you for your connection speed.

This helps tell Elluminate how fast it's connection to the internet. Simply choose the default one listed, or choose the method you connect to the internet.

Your next popup screen asks you to accept or disagree with the Agreement. Choosing disagree will disconnect you from Elluminate.

Your last screen (if you are the course instructor) will ask you if you wish to start recording the Elluminate Session.

Congratulations, you've made it into your Elluminate Session and your screen should look similar to this one:

Your next step should be to run the Audio Setup Wizard