Lesson 7

Lesson 7: Final


    • Complete final project and the project sharing and defenses.

  • Wrap-up and conclude the course

  • Participate in Open Forum

Instructor's Notes

Wrap-up and Conclusions

Congratulations! You have almost finished this course. It is our last lesson in this course. In other words, we will have very intensive class work. Be sure, you participate course activities timely. Take a look for the lesson activity which will give you better ideas what activities that you should participate.

This is our last lesson. I would like you to wrap-up the course. I encourage you to submit discussion questions that you think are valuable for us to discuss to the Open Forum. Please forward your discussion questions to the instructor for approval first.

Does technology give people knowledge? If yes, then perhaps we can say that humans today are smarter than humans living without technology thousands of years ago. Is this true? Another question that we discussed is interaction throughout the semester. It seems that we agree that more interaction is what we are searching for. If this is true, we can make a statement: the more interaction the better. However, let us ask, how much is necessary? These are critical questions that I usually ask students to mull over. I would like for you to do this as well. Keeping these questions in mind will assist us to gain a better understanding about technology and to realize the meaning of life.

Readings (Powered by Del.icio.us. Consider to subscribe RSS to keep updated on reading resources.)

    • Required Readings (Finish the required readings before the lesson starts)

    • Optional Readings (More readings for you to enrich your learning, to prepare for discussions, assignments, projects etc.)

    • Resources (Resources from our classmates, ETC students, and ETC faculty.)


Lesson Discussions (4 points) Lesson Discussion Guidelines

    • The instructor will post the discussion questions that reflect our class learning experiences. Please see the discussion board for the details.

  • See the discussion board for for the further information.

ETC777 Discussion Statistical Analysis


Assignment 3: Web 2.0 Learning Environments

    • Due: See Assignment Page

    • Points: 20 points

    • Time Period: Lesson 1-7

    • Format: Team work

    • Submission:

        • Google Docs

          • File should be named as: ETC777-Team#-A(Assignment)#. For example, ETC777-Team1-A3 (Incorrect file name is unacceptable & will result in point deduction.)

          • Be sure to give the instructor "Collaborator" privilege so the instructor can provide feedback onto the shared document.

    • Task: Collaborative writing on Web 2.0 Learning Environment:

      • Topic: Mobile Learning & Emerging Technologies Research.

    • Instructions:

      • Goals: Integrating Web 2.0 technology to generate collective intelligence to enhance online learning

      • Annual Topic: Mobile Learning

      • This final collaborative paper "may be" submitted to ICEM 2015 Columbia Conference as presentation proposals.

      • Orientation week:

        • One person from the group should e-mail the instructor which topic that your group would like to research.

      • Paper Title: Mobile Learning & Emerging Technology Research

        • Suggested topics

          • Mobile learning and PLE (Personal Learning Environment)

          • Mobile learning and augmented reality.

          • Mobile learning and location-based technology/services/learning.

          • Mobile learning and gamification.

          • Mobile learning and game-based learning.

          • Mobile learning and MOOCs.

          • Mobile learning and Learning Analytics.

          • Mobile learning and assessments.

          • Mobile learning and low-tech-based learning.

          • The topics are limited the ones listed above. If you and your group have ideal topics, please contact the instructor for the permissions.

      • Length:

        • 3,000 words (6-7 pages)

        • Exclude the references, figures, charts, tables etc.

      • Required sections in the paper

        • What is it?

        • How does it work?

        • Why is it significant?

        • What are the downsides?

        • Where is it going?

        • What are the implications for teaching and learning?

        • For example, if your group select the topic: Mobile learning and MOOCs. Your group paper should address these areas

          • What are MOOCs delivered via mobile learning?

          • How does MOOCs with Mobile Learning work?

          • Why is MOOCs with Mobile Learning significant?

          • What are the downsides?

          • Where is it going? (What are the trends and/or future of MOOCs with Mobile Learning?)

          • What are the implications of MOOCs with Mobile Learning for teaching and learning?

Assignment 4: Final Paper Proposal

  • Points: 5 points

  • Individual work

  • Length:

      • No page limitation

    • Submission:

        • Google Docs

        • File should be named as: ETC777-YourLastName-YourFirstName-A(Assignment)#. For example, ETC777-Tu-Chih-A4 (Incorrect file name is unacceptable & will result in point deduction.)

        • Be sure to give the instructor "Collaborator" privilege so the instructor can provide feedback onto the shared document.

In the individual final paper outline/proposal, students are required to develop a comprehensive outline of what is to be included in the final project. A research title must be provided. Appropriate references for the paper must be included.

Be sure to review the final project instruction first before you start prepare your project outline.

Upload to a 3 level outline covering the content of your proposed final project research paper. Be sure to include details about your topic. Make your 3 levels 1, 1.1, and 1.1.1. Remember that every level must have at least two items. Check the formatting before you submit your proposal.

An outline/proposal functions like a contract between a student and the instructor. A solid and well-framed outline will help students to develop a logical and comprehensive research paper. Students should use the template provided below to develop their outlines.

Be sure to discuss with the instructor on your outline. I highly encourage you to contact the instructor to discuss your final project topic and your out line before start developing your paper.

Assignment 5: Final Paper: Literature Review

    • Due: See Assignment Page

    • Points: 22 points

    • Individual work

  • Length:

      • 4,000-5,000 words (8-10 pages)

      • APA, 12 references (minimum).

      • Exclude the references, figures, charts, tables etc.

    • Submission:

        • Google Docs

        • File should be named as: ETC777-YourLastName-YourFirstName-A(Assignment)#. For example, ETC777-Tu-Chih-A5 (Incorrect file name is unacceptable & will result in point deduction.)

        • Be sure to give the instructor "Collaborator" privilege so the instructor can provide feedback onto the shared document

    1. Each student should select one research topic in distance education based on his/her own research interests.

    2. Propose your research question(s).

    3. Conduct a comprehensive literature review on the research question(s) that you propose.

    4. Propose potential research methodology to answer the research question(s).

It is very important that students discuss their ideas, concepts, and topics with the instructor prior to developing the complete project. Assignment 5: Final project proposal presents an opportunity for students to consult with the instructors about their ideas. Below are a few themes that have been popular and critical in the distance education field. Your research topics are not limited to these themes.

These topics are not in any priority or importance sequence.

    • Gender difference in distance education

    • Critical issues in online multi-cultural classroom

    • Critical thinking in online learning

    • Online collaborative learning community

    • Knowledge management in online learning

    • Assessments for online learning

    • Social presence in online learning

    • Dropout issues in distance learning

    • Problem-solving tasks in online learning

    • Web 2.0 Learning Environments

    • Social Media

    • Open Network Learning Environments

    • Personal Learning Environments (PLE)

    • Mobile Learning

    • Digital Game-based learning

    • MOOCs

    • Gamification

    • Learning Analytics

    • Open learning & assessments

    • Open learning & accreditation

This paper should contain a few sections:

    • Title, your name

    • Abstract (100 words)

    • Introduction (1-2 page): Overview of your intentions and findings on the topic.

    • Literature review (8 pages): The studies that have been done on this subject and their findings.

    • Research questions (1/2 page)

    • References: No page limitations.

    • Delicious bookmarks

The paper should be in a descriptive format and should represent a distillation of the results of the literature review. Simply stating that this paper states this or that is not acceptable. Tips: