Module 4

Online Discussions (8 Points)


Social & Cultural Learning


  • Examine the model of Community of Inquiry (CoI).

  • Discuss and describe the research dealing with social presence in distance learning.

  • Discuss the assessment of distance education.

  • Research and discuss the strategies of the assessments of research in distance education.

    • Critical thinking: From Socio-Cultural Learning to Digital Lifelong Learning.

  • Complete group task: Assignment 3: Emerging Learning Environment

  • Complete final project proposal.

Instructor's Notes

Congratulations! You have almost finished this course. It is our last module.

In this module, we will focus on online learning community from socio-cultural perspectives; assessing online learning, and conclude our class with this critical thinking question: how may socio-cultural learning migrating to digital lifelong learning. This is a fairly broad question. In fact, it covers the topics we examine in our class. So by answering this question, it is more like that we take a comprehensive exam for this course. So think hard, think thoroughly.

Tag to share your Module 4 resources with:

Activities |TOP|Assignment|

    • Discussion Question:

        • We covered different perspectives of socio-cultural learning in online learning in previous modules. In addition, we discussed digital lifelong learning. Now, I like us to link socio-cultural learning to digital lifelong learning.

        • In the previous modules, we examined these concepts. In addition, from the reading, I shared my thoughts as a model with you.

            • Social Identity-Self presentation

            • Social Presence-Social Interaction

            • PLE: Self-Actualization

            • ONLE: Integration

            • Digital Lifelong Learning: Goal-Realization

            • Network Learning Literacy: Learning Literacy

        • Now, this is your turn. Let's try to thread these concepts together. Are you able to observe how these concepts may related to each other, or one another?

        • It is not an easy task to see how these concepts may relate to each other. You may or may not see it. It is ok if you don't see it. But give it a try, even it is incomplete ideas that you have. There is no fixed answer for the relations. That is reason why we are researchers. Right? We are looking for answers for the questions.

      • Optional:

          • If you could, can you draw a figure to represent the relations that you observe?

  • KEY-6-Data-Driven Instruction (DDI)

      • In our class, we cover social network analysis (SNA), Learning Analytics (LA), Adaptive Learning (AL), and Connectivism etc. One thing in common in these areas is "data" or even large data set. What do these data mean to students, teachers, administrators, and other stakeholder?

      • Digital interactivity and connectivity could support data-driven instruction. For example, in ETC777, we integrate SNA to help you to understand the roles you play in class community/network.

      • Optional

        • C. Lang, C., Siemens, G., Wise, A., & Gašević, D. (Eds.) The Handbook of Learning Analytics. SOLAR.

          • There are chapters in this book discuss predictive research. If you have interests in predictive research, additional chapters reading in this book could be useful.

    • Discussion Questions:

        • With digital interaction data available to researchers, we can conduct different types of research rather than perceptions, attitudes, or opinion data. Behavioral data would help educators to understand what works for specific students in specific circumstances. Horn and Fisher (2016) inspires research that pushes the understanding beyond the average learners and instead works to discover predictable effective paths for each individual.

        • How may predicative research provide researchers with different understanding on digital behaviors?

  • KEY-8-Open Forum

    • Read:

        • To be determined.

    • Discussion Questions:

        • This is an open forum. Throughout the session, we may come up some discussion topic(s) that we would like to deepen it. We may use this "Open Forum" to strengthen our understanding and knowledge.

Assignment |TOP|Activities|

Assignment 3: Emerging Learning Environment

  • Grade: 18 points

  • Group Task

  • Submission:

    • Use Google Docs to share your file with the instructor at

    • File Name: ETC777-Team#-Assignment#. EX. ETC777-Team1-A3

  • Task:

      • Collaborative writing a paper on Emerging Learning Environment:

      • Topic:

        • Selected Distance Learning Topic & Mobile Learning and/or Augmented/Virtual Learning Environment.

  • Instructions:

    • Goals:

        • To compare & contrast theoretical frameworks/frameworks/constructs/models of selected distance learning topics & mobile learning, augmented/virtual learning

        • This final collaborative paper is highly encouraged to submit to any professional organization conference as presentation proposals. In the past, more than 50% of the students presented their group papers at varied international conferences.

    • Decide the topic: Due: End of Module 2

        • One person from the group should e-mail the instructor which topic that your group would like to research to get approved by the instructor.

    • How:

        • Select one or more distance learning topics: Here are a few suggested topics but not limited:

          • Social Presence

          • PLE (Personal Learning Environment)

          • Gamification.

          • Game-based learning.

          • MOOCs.

          • Learning Analytics.

          • Adaptive Learning

          • Assessments.

          • The topics are limited the ones listed above. If you and your group have ideal topics, please contact the instructor for the permissions.

        • Identify a framework(s)/framework(s)/construct(s)/model(s) from the selected distance learning topic(s).

        • Identify a framework(s)/framework(s)/construct(s)/model(s) from mobile learning and/or augmented/virtual learning.

        • Compare and/or contrast the relationships or relations between both areas (selected topic & ML/AR/VR).

        • For example:

          • If your group select "social presence" as your distance learning topic, your tasks would be:

            • Identify the existing social presence framework(s)/framework(s)/construct(s)/model(s)

            • Identify a framework(s)/framework(s)/construct(s)/model(s) from mobile learning and/or augmented/virtual learning.

          • Compare and/or contrast the relationships or relations between social presence framework and ML/AR/VA framework.

          • Between both frameworks, do you see any relationships or relations? What are they?

          • The paper title could be:

            • Mobile social presence

            • Social presence in augmented reality or virtual reality

            • Social presence in ubiquitous learning

      • Length:

        • 3,000 words (6-7 pages)

        • Exclude the references, figures, charts, tables etc.

    • Required sections in the paper

        • Abstract

        • Introduction

        • What is the selected distance learning topic?

          • Why is this topic critical and significant in distance learning?

          • What is the framework for the selected topic?

        • What the framework for ML/AR/VR?

        • Compare and/or contrast the relationships or relations

        • Proposed valuable research questions or directions

        • Conclusions

    • Notes:

        • It is highly recommended, not required, that you should draw a feature for represent your analyses between both sets of frameworks.

      • Q: Is this more like a literature review for the selected topic and ML/AR/VR?

          • A: Correct. Be sure to cite relevant literature.

        • Need any support?

          • Contact the instructors at:

            • Chih-Hsiung Tu, Ph.D. <Chih.Tu@Nau.Edu> (for general questions)

            • Özlem Ozan, Ph.D. <> (For ML)

            • Yasin Özarslan, Ph.D. <> (for AR/VR)

Assignment 4: Final Paper Proposal

  • Grade: 5 points

  • Individual Task

    • Goals:

  • Submission:

    • Use Google Docs to share your file with the instructor at

      • File Name: ETC777-YourLastName-YourFirstName-A(Assignment)#. For example, ETC777-Tu-Chih-A4

  • Instructions:

    • Length:

        • No page limitation

      • In the individual final paper outline/proposal, students are required to develop a comprehensive outline of what is to be included in the final project. A research title must be provided. Appropriate references for the paper must be included.

      • Be sure to review the final project instruction first before you start prepare your project outline.

      • Upload to a 3 level outline covering the content of your proposed final project research paper. Be sure to include details about your topic. Make your 3 levels 1, 1.1, and 1.1.1. Remember that every level must have at least two items. Check the formatting before you submit your proposal.

      • An outline/proposal functions like a contract between a student and the instructor. A solid and well-framed outline will help students to develop a logical and comprehensive research paper. Students should use the template provided below to develop their outlines.

      • Be sure to discuss with the instructor on your outline. I highly encourage you to contact the instructor to discuss your final project topic and your out line before start developing your paper.

    • Proposal Outline example

    • Proposal Outline Template

Assignment 5: Final Paper: Literature Review

  • Grade: 20 points

  • Individual Task

  • DUE: 05/31

  • Length:

      • 4,000-5,000 words (8-10 pages)

      • APA, 12 references (minimum).

      • Exclude the references, figures, charts, tables etc.

    • Goals:

  • Submission:

    • Use Google Docs to share your file with the instructor at

      • File Name: ETC777-YourLastName-YourFirstName-A(Assignment)#. For example, ETC777-Tu-Chih-A5

  • Instructions:

    • Each student should select one research topic in distance education based on his/her own research interests.

    • Propose your research question(s).

    • Conduct a comprehensive literature review on the research question(s) that you propose.

    • Propose potential research methodology to answer the research question(s).

It is very important that students discuss their ideas, concepts, and topics with the instructor prior to developing the complete project. Assignment 5: Final project proposal presents an opportunity for students to consult with the instructors about their ideas. Below are a few themes that have been popular and critical in the distance education field. Your research topics are not limited to these themes.

These topics are not in any priority or importance sequence.

    • Gender difference in distance education

    • Critical issues in online multi-cultural classroom

    • Critical thinking in online learning

    • Online collaborative learning community

    • Assessments for online learning

    • Social presence in online learning

    • Web 2.0 Learning Environments

    • Social Media

    • Open Network Learning Environments (ONLE)

    • Personal Learning Environments (PLE)

    • Mobile Learning

    • Digital Game-based learning

    • MOOCs

    • Gamification

    • Learning Analytics

    • Adaptive Learning

    • Open learning & assessments

    • Open learning & accreditation

This paper should contain a few sections:

    • Title, your name

    • Abstract (100 words)

    • Introduction (1-2 page): Overview of your intentions and findings on the topic.

    • Literature review (8 pages): The studies that have been done on this subject and their findings.

    • Research questions (1/2 page)

    • References: No page limitations.

The paper should be in a descriptive format and should represent a distillation of the results of the literature review. Simply stating that this paper states this or that is not acceptable.
