Module 3


Emerging Learning Environment


  • Examine Mobile Learning (ML); Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR)

  • Examine Game-based learning & Gamification.

  • Examine MOOCs.

Instructor's Notes

In this module, we will focus our studies in three major emerging learning environments: ML, Gaming, and MOOCs. I like you to distinguish augmented reality from virtual reality, GBL form gamification. While they are different form one another, I like you to challenge yourself to see how three emerging learning environments may connect, and relate to each other and/or one another.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How may AR/VR integrated with ML?

  • How may gaming integrated with ML, and AR/VR?

  • How may ML integrated with MOOCs?

  • Why do we call them emerging learning "environments?" Why not just call them "emerging learning?" Have you thought about this question?

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Activities |TOP|Assignment|

Online Discussions (8 Points)

        • How may the discussion board interfaces (flat vs. threaded) impact online discussion?

        • Based on what you read, should we call it "Adaptive Learning" or "Adaptive Learners?" Provide your justification.

Assignment |TOP|Activities|

No assignment is due in Module 3

Prepare upcoming assignments

  • Due: Module 4:

    • Group Task: Assignment 3: Emerging Learning Environments

    • Individual Task: Assignment 4: Final Paper Proposal

  • Due: 05/31:

    • Individual Task: Assignment 5: Final Paper