ATMega32 based EPROM Programmer


Quite some time ago I decided to build a Z80 based 8 bit computer.

But before I could do that I need a way to program EPROMs.

Here's what I came up with. I was very simple to build and did the job nicely.

You'll notice the chip installed is actually an ATMega324P. Well I needed the ATMega32 for another project and I had one of these

lying around so I made some quick adjustments to the code and swapped the chip out (same pin-out)

I'll supply both versions of the code in the attachments below.

This project is similar to a more recent programmer design based on

an Arduino UNO. One major difference is that I used a small 5V relay

to control the VPP voltage instead of a MOSFET.

This made the programmer a bit slower but produced a very satisfying

"click, click, click" as it programmed each 16 byte record.

Here's a photo of the bottom (I mounted it on an old pill container)

Download Link Details:

eppgmr_ATMega32.c Source for the ATMega32 based version.

eppgmr_ATMega324PV.c Source for the ATMega324P based version. Source & binary for the PC command line utility to upload intel format .HEX files.

EPROM_Programmer_Schematic.pdf Project schematic
Edit 1/2022: I noticed that I omitted reference to the serial connections in the schematic.
You'll of course need to connect a USB/Serial adapter to Pin 14(PD0/RXD) & Pin 15(PD1/TXD)
in order to communicate with the PC.