Welcome to my website!

Here's what I've been spending some time on lately.

So if you've visited my site before and it looks very different you're seeing the newly published site in the "New" Google Sites format. It's supposed to render better on different devices not just a PC screen.
let me know if you find something amiss...

NOTE: look for navigation links on top now instead of on the left side.

One of the things I liked about the old format was the way pictures (images) were presented. You could size the image as you wanted it to appear on the webpage and if someone clicked on the image a full sized version of that image was presented. It doesn't work that way anymore so
here's a tip if you come across an image that's hard to see or you'd like a closer look at:

Right click on the image and select "Open image in new tab" A new tab will be created with some wacky image name. switch to that tab and you'll (hopefully) see a full sized version of the picture that you can zoom In and out with your particular browser's controls.

Revisiting my first microprocessor system build...

I was recently reminded of a project I built for a Microprocessor Class back in the late 1970's.
It's something I've saved for over 40 years so I decided to dig it out and fire it up - still worked!!!

Now let's see if I can make it better while preserving its original design.

Click here for more details...

Another vintage single board computer board - MC6800

Something I worked on a just few years ago but didn't get around to posting about till now...

Read more here: 6800 SBC Board

Yet another single board computer - TMS70C02

Another board with EPROMS that I could replace and get the board running and connected...

Read more here: TMS70C02 SBC Project