Arduino MEGA Flash Programmer

Here's another version of the Flash EEPROM Programmer for the ATMEL AT28C256 32K EEPROM.
This one using an Arduino MEGA 2560 board and almost nothing else.


In recent months I’ve been contacted a couple of times regarding the Z80 Mini System project by other hobbyist interested in building a version for themselves.

I’m always happy to assist anyone willing to undertake a project such as this and in my most recent response to a fellow tinkerer, I explained that first one needs to build an EPROM or Flash (EEPROM) programming device like the ones I’ve described in my EPROM Programmer  and UNO Flash programmer project pages. I recommend building the project using flash ROM memory instead of EPROM since erasing  and re-programming these devices is much simpler and the construction of the UNO Flash programmer is a bit simpler than the EPROM Programmer version.
Then I imagined this poor fellow saying to himself, “Oh great! Now I have to build this thing before I can build the Z80 project that I really wanted...”

Which got me to thinking….   

I originally designed my EPROM programmer using just a bare ATMega32 40 pin chip
(see )
However, at that time, I suspected that few people had such a chip lying around but many more might have and Arduino UNO (or at least have access to one)

So I re-built the second version around the Arduino UNO board.

Now if some folks had access to an UNO board, many might also have access to an Arduino MEGA 2560 board which has a TON of I/O pins. 
Enough to eliminate the need for any additional components
(other than perhaps a socket for the EEPROM and the the LED)

So here’s yet another version of the programmer based on the Arduino MEGA board.
If you’re in a hurry, you can easily build this entirely on a solderless breadboard.

I used a 36 pin edge connector salvaged from an old IDE disk drive or CDRom drive.

As before, Links for the companion utilities and can be found here: EPROM Programmer 

The schematic and Arduino code can be downloaded from the links below.
Once again , the source code is nicely commented so it should be easy to modify.

Some more photos:

The Adapter Top

The adapter bottom 

About the attachments: (download links are below)

FlashPgmerM1.pdf      This is the schematic in PDF format.

FlashPgmerM1.ino      Here's the source code to run on the MEGA. (plenty of comments so it's easy to follow)

Links for  and 
can be found here: EPROM Programmer