Minnesota Youth Ski League

We have our own chapter of the Minnesota Youth Ski league. It is a statewide program that has been around for a long time, and its focus is to get young kids to learn how to enjoy the sport of Nordic skiing while learning technique. The program is being coached primarily by volunteer high school skiers. It runs from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoons during January and February right at Staring Lake. When there is not enough snow at Staring, it will be held at Hyland. Check out for more information.

For high school skiers volunteering at MYSL each week is a great way to earn hours for Key Club and the National Honor Society and further promotes the sport within our community.

Adult Lessons: Any parents that would like to learn how to ski, Coach Boonstra will be providing free lessons during the MYSL sessions on Sundays in January and February at Staring Lake, even if you have no kids in MYSL. Techniques will alternate each week.