5E's in 60 Minutes

Presented at NSTA and Massachusetts Association of Science Teachers conferences.

In this session, participants experience the 5E learning cycle (BSCS) through an activity we developed with ramps.

Participant handout


  1. Prediction Form: Use this form to share your prediction for the ramps.

  2. MAST Data Form 1: Use this form to submit each time you measure for the ramps that your team investigates.

  3. MAST Data Form 2: Use this form to submit each time from our whole group investigation (#5 on handout)

Google Presentation

Automatic Graphing Sheet 1 and Sheet 2: I set up arrays in the sheets so it would automatically graph the data as you send it in. Let me know if you have any questions about setting up a similar sheet for your classes.

Ramp Files - Want to print your own ramps with a 3D Printer? The link to the right will give you access to the .stl files so you can set them up for your printer. Also, if you are using a MakerBot 2, the x3g are provided as well.