


Generate a menu configuration file for gtkMenuPlus or myGtkMenu from all, or a selection of, launchers (.desktop files) found in a directory or directories, and/or output information about those launchers.

launchers_to_menu is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

launchers_to_menu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

See the license file COPYING distributed with launchers_to_menu for the complete license.

Generate a menu configuration file for gtkMenuPlus or myGtkMenu from all launchers (.desktop files) found in a directory or directories. Alternatively list details of all launchers found.

Long arguments are case-insensitive.

stdout if omitted; to use:

launchers_to_menu [other options] > menu_config_file.txt

Where pathN can be either a directory or a .desktop file.

If a directory, scans that directory and its subdirectories for .desktop files.

If a .desktop file, processes that file.

If any other kind of file, assumes it to be a menu_configuration_file, presumably obtained by editing an output file from a previous run of launchers_to_menu. Such a file is scanned for lines beginning with a path or with

#derived from: path

and the paths to .desktop files found used to create a new menu configuration file. The idea is to use launchers_to_menu to create a menu configuration file (probably a restricted one, using --namefilter and/or --categoryfilter; but not copying icons, therefore without the --icondirectory option; see below. That file can be edited, then submitted to launchers_to_menu with --icondirectory.

If --source omitted, the directory /usr/share/applications is assumed.

If omitted. no icons copied, and icon= entries in menu configuration file will point to icon referenced by the launcher, typically in some directory under /usr/share/

If present, launchers_to_menu will take longer to run.

Size of icon; 24 if omitted. An attempt will be made to locate icon of required size; if no item of exactly <size> is found, the nearest match will be used. If --icondirectory is specified, the icon will be saved to <size> required.

Any POSIX regex expression, compiled with the REG_EXTENDED flag, applied case-insensitively to launcher's Categories= field. If present, the regex_expression must match the Categories= field in the .desktop file for it to be added to output..

Since categories are supposed to be followed by a semicolon, to match e.g. "video" or "audio" but not "audiovideo" use (^|;)video($|;)|(^|;)audio($|;).

Any POSIX regex expression, compiled with the REG_EXTENDED flag, applied case-insensitively to launcher's Name= field. If present, the regex_expression must match the Name= field in the .desktop file for it to be added to output..

If present, a launcher is added to generated menu match if either --namefilter or --categoryfilter is satisfied; otherwise, both have to be satisifed for a launcher to be included.

Make menu configuration file appropriate for myGtkMenu; mainly comments out tooltip= lines

Suppresses error messages sent to STDERR, if you just want a clean list of menu entries in a console, uncluttered with error messages.

Programme version; all other options ignored

Show options; all other options ignored

Generate a menu and copy icons from every .desktop file found in directory /usr/share/applications and /usr/local/share/applications and there subdirectories:

launchers_to_menu --output ./menu_from_launchers.txt --source /usr/share/applications,/usr/local/share/applications --icondirectory icons_from_launchers --iconsize 24

The problem with that is you'll end up with hundred on menu entries and hundred of icons. It would probably better to generate a subset of available icons, filtering with --categoryfilter and/or --namefilter, but not copying icons:

launchers_to_menu --output ./tmp_menu_from_launchers.txt --source /usr/share/applications --iconsize 24 --categoryfilter Video

Then edit ./tmp_menu_from_launchers.txt and run launchers_to_menu to get icons for the remaining menu entries:

launchers_to_menu --output ./menu_from_launchers.txt --source tmp_menu_from_launchers.txt

If you want to use the generated menu configuration file with myGtkMenu, add the --mygtkmenu flag.

myGtkMenu, written and copyright by John Vorthman.

No known bugs.

Thanks to John Vorthman for providing myGtkMenu code.

Idea of importing .desktop files borrowed from popdown,

This programme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

See license.txt distributed with launchers_to_menu for the complete license.


Alan Campbell