gtkmenuplus file format

Format of menu_configuration_files for gtkmenuplus version 1,00, 2013-04-24

The executable gtkmenuplus takes a menu_configuration_file as its primary argument, and constructs a menu from what it finds there.

This page describes the format of those files.

Lines in the file may be no longer than 200 characters.

Anything on a line after the "#" character is considered a comment and is ignored by gtkmenuplus and myGtkMenu.

Therefore any line whose first non-whitespace character is a "#" is ignored.

Blank lines are ignored.

Each meaningful line in a menu configuration file starts with a keyword (which may be preceded by whitespace). Keywords identify the type of line.

The case of keywords is ignored.

Seven keywords are inherited from myGtkMenu:



(behaviour in gtkmenuplus modified from that in myGtkMenu) (command may be null)


(behaviour in gtkmenuplus modified from that in myGtkMenu) (path may be null)




menupos=h w (behaviour in gtkmenuplus slightly modified from that in myGtkMenu)

menuposition=h w (synonym for menupos)

The remaining keywords are new in gtkmenuplus:







launcherdir=path_to_launcher_directory (synonym for launcherdirectory)




elseif=condition, elif=condition


endif, fi



/path_to/file, ~/path_to/file

Keywords followed by "=":

There may be whitespace between keyword and "=".

Whitespace between an "=" and the value that follows is ignored, as is trailing whitespace after value.

An item= line may be followed by cmd=, icon= and/or tooltip= lines, in any order.

Any string preceding "=", aside from the keywords listed above, will be taken to be a declaration of a variable, which can be either




There are conditions:

A variable_name may not be the same as any existing environmental variable.

variable_names must begin with an alphabetic character. All other characters in a variable_name must be alphabetic, numeric or the underscore.

Whitespace between a variable_name and "=" is ignored.

Whitespace following the "=", and trailing whitespace after value or expression is ignored.

If you want to include leading or trailing whitespace in a value or expression, enclose it all in single or double quotes, which will be stripped off before the value is stored or expression is evaluated. You can also use quotes if you want a value beginning with "=", e.g.

myvar=" something smelly "

If a variable_name is followed by "==", the text after the "==" is interpreted as an expression, which is passed to the shell for evaluation; whatever ends up in stdout becomes the variable value.

If a variable_name is followed by "==", the text after the "==" is interpreted as an expression which is passed to the shell for evaluation; whatever ends up in stdout becomes the variable value.

A variable_name can be referred to as $variable_name in any subsequent line. For instance $variable_name can be all or part of a command (in a cmd= line); of a menu item's item_description (in an item= line); of the condition on if= or elseif= lines.

If the same variable_name is declared a second time, it's value is redefined or expression re-evaluated.

Arguments can be provided following the menu_configuration_file on the gtkmenuplus command line. The arguments can be referred to by the reference $1, $2,... etc, in any line in the menu_configuration_file (except cmd=command lines, since $1, $2... may occur in bash one-liners and be confused with gtkmenuplus command line parameter references).

You can also refer to the menu configuration file argument with $0, unless gtkmenuplus gets its input from stdin.

The following lines may contain a path or paths:








Paths may be absolute (beginning with "/") or relative. They may begin with the tilde ("~"), which in all cases will be expanded into $HOME, as it would be by the shell.

Relative paths may begin with "./" and/or include "../", begin with the name of a directory or simply name a file.

Paths beginning with a dot will be taken to be relative to the path of the menu configuration file specified on the gtkmenuplus command line.

A path which is a plain filename or which begins with a directory name is taken to be relative to the menu configuration file specified on the gtkmenuplus command line, with the following exceptions:

icon=: directory specified in the last non-null "icondirectory=" line, if any launcher=: directory specified in the last non-null "launcherdirectory=" line, if any cmd=: assumed to be on the system's PATH.

The command on a cmd=command line in particular may contain multiple paths requiring expansion (typically multiple arguments to the specified executable). After expansion the entire command must be no longer than 1024 characters, otherwise gtkmenuplus will splutter.

Denotes the item_description to show in the menu. An underscore ("_") indicates the following letter is the mnemonic for the menu item.

If you want to include an underscore in item_description but not use it to flag a mnemonic, use two underscores ("__").

May be immediately followed by any or all of of cmd=, icon= and tooltip= lines, in any order.

An <item>= line marks the end of any menu item or submenu preceding it.

Optional. Denotes the command to run.

Must be preceded by an item= line, and possibly by an icon= and/or tooltip= line.

It applies to the menu entry begun by the preceding item= line.

The command that follows cmd= on the line must be a legal (error free) command, or nothing.

cmd=, on it's own, or an item= not followed by a cmd=, will create a disabled menu item (possibly to use as a menu or section title).

You can use ~ to refer to your home directory, e.g. ~/bin/

A cmd= line is the only kind of line in which you can't use can't use parameters originating on the gtkmenuplus command line, or as part of an include line, since $1, $2... may occur in bash one-liners and be confused with gtkmenuplus command line parameter references. If you want to use a parameter in a command, set a variable to the parameter e.g.


and use the variable ($myParam) in the command.

If the command will not work when independently run at a CLI, it will not work from gtkmenuplus.

However, not everything that will work at a CLI will work in cmd=.

You can't specify more than one command on a line (using ;, && or |).

You can't use environmental variables (e.g. $WINEPREFIX, $HOME).

However, you can get the shell to do stuff like that for you. Either you can make a small script containing the commands you need, or you can make your command a shell invocation, e.g.:

cmd=bash -c "(loopy &) ; (sleep 1) ; (wmctrl -F -r Loopy -b add,fullscreen &)"

cmd=bash -l -c "( /usr/games/sol --variation freecell &) ; (/usr/games/sol --freecell &)"

Instructive to search for "ubuntu one liner scripts": I found some at

If you want a menu item that will trigger a dialogue, look into zenity, available from the repositories.

You can also have:

cmd=path_to_a_non_executable_file [ path_to_other_non_executable_file ... ]

The non_executable_file could for instance be a doc, html, xls or plain text file). path_to_a_non_executable_file can begin with a tilde (for the home directory) or be a relative or absolute path.

If a cmd= begins with a non_executable_file, its MINE type is used to determine which application will be used to execute that file (and any path_to_other_non_executable_files on the same line).

Optional. Adds a tooltip to a menu item.

Must be preceded by an item= line, or submenu= line and possibly by an icon= and/or (if there's a preceding item= line), a cmd= line. It applies to the menu entry begun by the preceding item= line.

Optional. Denotes a image to show with the menu item or submenu.

Must be preceded by an item=|/item=item_description> line, or submenu= line and possibly by a tooltip= and/or (if there's a preceding item= line), a cmd= line. It applies to the menu entry begun by the preceding item= line or submenu begun by the preceding submenu= line.

If a menu item lacks an icon line, or has a icon= line with nothing following the = sign, gtkmenuplus will attempt to find an icon associated with the executable named in the menu item's cmd= line; or, if the cmd= line specifies only a non-executable file, an attempt will be made to locate an icon associated with the default programme used to open that file.

There are situations when, if you want a meaningful image, you have to supply it yourself:

    • any submenu
    • a menu item where command on the cmd= command begins with bash (e.g. to run multiple commands; see test_menu.txt), a terminal emulator (to run a command in a terminal), gksudo or equivalent, or a general purpose tool like dconf.
    • successive menu items (e.g. ones opening text files) which, based on command or file type would all have the same icon
    • a cmd= consisting of a url to something on the net or on another machine. If the net isn't accessible, gtkmenuplus will stall while trying to get information about the target file type. Might be better to use a named icon like.e.g. text-html or applications-internet.

If you do not want an image on your menu item, use the line icon=NULL, or:

If the most recently encountered configure=> line in the menu configuration file included the word noicons, any item without an icon=path_to_image_file or icon=icon_name line will not be assigned an image.

A subsequent configure= line not containing the word icons will cause gtkmenuplus to revert to its default behaviour of finding icons based on the application or filetype specified on the cmd= line.


The path_to_image_file includes a file extension (i.e. it ends with a dot followed by three or four characters).

A path_to_image_file follows the rules for paths referred to in menu configuration files:

It can begin with a tilde, which will be expanded as in bash to $HOME.

It can be absolute.

Or it can be relative. If path_to_image_file doesn't begin with a dot, and the most recent icondirectory=path_to_icon_directory line has a non-null path_to_icon_directory, it's relative to that.

Otherwise a relative path_to_image_file is relative to the path in which the configuration file was found (as specified on the gtkmenuplus command line, unless gtkmenuplus is reading from stdin).

To speed execution, all icon files associated with a menu configuration file should be of the same image size.

It's easier to maintain a menu configuration file if all icons associated with it reside in a single directory; so all path_to_image_files should point to the same directory.

To speed execution, all icon files with a menu configuration file should be of the same image size.

You can either search your filesystem for likely icons, or try sites like for freeware/open source icons.

Icons should be png, svg, xpm or gif image files.


Instead of a path_to_image_file you can use an icon_name.

An icon_name is distinguished by not including an extension for one of the strandard icon filetypes.

An icon_name will be recognised if icons matching it are in one of the standard sets of icon directories (e.g. /usr/share/pixmaps/, subdirectories of /usr/share/icons, etc); in particular the icons listed in's

are likely to be available, as are the names of many (but probably not all) applications.

formatting= [ format_string [;|, format_string [;|, format_string... ]]]

All menu items and submenus following a format= line have the given format_string applied, until the occurrence of the next format=format line.

Menu items and submenus following a format= line have a format_string applied, until the occurrence of the next "format=formatting" line.

If more than one format_string occurs on a format= line, each format_string is applied in turn to successive following items or submenus at the same submenu level. Items or submenus at a lower level in the menu hierachy are not subject to the format_string sequence.

If formatting contains only one format_string, that format_string applies to everything following, no matter where it is in the submenu hierarchy.

A format_string consists a string of whitespace-separated attribute="value" pairs, attributes and their values must be appropriate for placement within a <span > tag in the Pango Text Attribute Markup Language

see for details (the "convenience tags" mentioned aren't supported).


format= font_desc="Sans Italic 12"

format= foreground="blue"

colours can be names (defined in an X11/rgb.txt file on your system e.g. in /usr/share/X11).

format= style="italic" foreground="red" underline="single"

format= weight="bold"

also possible: "ultralight", "light", "normal", "ultrabold", "heavy", or a numeric weight

format= size='12800'

1024ths of a point, or one of the absolute sizes 'xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large'

format= color="RoyalBlue"

A format= line, i.e. with a null format_string, cause all subsequent menu and submenu items to revert to normal formatting.

Instead of (or as well as) using format= lines to modify some menu and submenu entries, global changes (background colour, font, etc.) can be made to menus using the built-in "gtk theme" mechanism. Try doing a search for:

gtk themes


setting a custom Gtk theme for specific applications



The text of any menu item or submenu can be formatted by wrapping it in <span format_string>some text</span> tags, e.g.

<span color="white">some text</span>

Menu items or submenus formatted by inclusion of <span...>...</span> tags or by preceding format= lines mustn't contain "<" or ">" characters. Use "&lt;" or "&gt;" instead.

If a format= line is in force, that will apply to all parts of a line containing <span...>...</span> tags not within those tags.

The text of all tooltips encountered in menu items and submenus is formatted by the preceding tooltipformat=format_string line.

format_string is as for format=formatting lines.

A null format_string turns off formatting for tooltips in subsequent menu items and submenus.

A launcher is a Gnome .desktop file used to launch an application.

It usually includes a name, executable, comment and icon.

If you provide a path to a single .desktop file, it will be used to create a menu entry.

A path_to_launcher follows the rules for paths referred to in menu configuration files:

It can begin with a tilde, which will be expanded as in bash to $HOME.

It can be absolute.

Or it can be relative. If path_to_launcher doesn't begin with a dot, and the most recent launcherdirectory=path_to_launcher_directory line has a non-null path_to_launcher_directory, it's relative to that.

Otherwise a relative path_to_launcher is relative to the path in which the configuration file was found (as specified on the gtkmenuplus command line, unless gtkmenuplus is reading from stdin).

Any preceding format=formatting line will apply to that entry, but of course you won't be able to format parts of the entry name or comment using <span>..</span> tags.

If you provide a path_to_launcher(s) to a directory containing .desktop files, they will all be used to create successive menu entries, in alphabetical order of real file name.

Be careful using nautilus to browse .desktop files. The .desktop extension is hidden, and the file name shown is often not the actual name of the file (which is usually all-lower-case). For instance, /usr/share/applications/gnome-sudoku.desktop appears in nautilus browsing /usr/share/applications as "Sudoko".

On my Ubuntu 11.10 installation, there are .desktop files for most applications in /usr/share/applications.

To see real .desktop file names, use a file browser like midnight commander or emelFM2, or use ls at a CLI.

One approach: copy the .desktop files you want from e.g. /usr/share/applications to a directory of your own, e.g. a subdirectory of that holding the menu configuration file. Then use launcher=path_to_launchers to point to that directory.

If you want to refer to all the .desktops file in the directory specified by launcherdirectory=, use




or launcherdir=path_to_launcher_directory

path_to_launcher_directory follows the rules for paths referred to in menu configuration files.

I.e. if path_to_launcher_directory doesn't begin with a tilde or forward slash, it's assumed to be relative to the path in which the configuration file was found (as specified on command line).

After this line is encountered, in all subsequent launcher=path_to_launcher(s) lines, if path_to_launcher(s), doesn't begin with a tilde or forward slash, it's assumed to be relative to path_to_launcher_directory.

launcherdirectory= followed by no text reverts the base path for icons to the path in which the configuration file was found (as specified on command line).

There can be multiple launcherdirectory= lines; each sets the icon directory for all menu entries that follow, until the next launcherdirectory= line.

menu_configuration_file follows the rules for paths referred to in menu configuration files.

Inserts the contents of a menu_configuration_file into the one in which the line occurs, at the point at which it occurs.

If you want the contents of a menu_configuration_file to appear in a submenu, indent the include= line as well as everything in the menu_configuration_file just as you would if the contents of the file were found in the including file.

Be careful not to include recursively. If a menu_configuration_file includes itself, directly or indirectly, you'll end up with an infinite menu...

Parameters can be refered to as $1, $2, etc anywhere in the included menu_configuration_file. See the Parameters section of the gtkmenuplus man page for more detail.

May not be followed by icon= or tooltip= lines, unlike...

As the included menu_configuration_file is processed:

Any paths beginning with a dot are taken to be relative to the directory in which the included file lives; this will of course change nothing if the including and included file are in the same directory.

If icondirectory= and or launcherdirectory=path_to_launcher_directory statements are in force in the including file, the path_to_icon_directory or path_to_launcher_directory remain in force within the included file.

If icondirectory=path_to_icon_directory and or launcherdirectory=path_to_launcher_directory statements are encountered in an included file, the path_to_icon_directory or path_to_launcher_directory remain in force only within the included file; they revert to the values set in the including file once the included file is processed.

If the most recently encountered configure=> line in the menu configuration file included the word formattinglocal, the effects of any format=, tooltipformat= lines that occur within the included menu configuration file will persist only until the end of that included file. Formatting then reverts to that specified by the last encountered format= and tooltipformat= lines in the including file. This behaviour can be turned off with a configure= line contianing the word noformattinglocal.

path_to_directory follows the rules for paths referred to in menu configuration files.

Inserts a series of menu entries, one per file, including only those files to which the user has read access matching the file_glob specified (e.g. *.txt, d?t*, [a-f]*.txt). Extended globbing patterns can be used: see

There is no recursion into subdirectories under path_to_directory unless there's a directory_glob. If directory_glob exists it's applied only to subdirectories within path_to_directory, not to the matching of subdirectories further down the directory tree.

Only subdirectories containing a file matching file_glob appear in the generated menu. Subdirectories to which the user doesn't have read access are ignored.

The generated menu item's name will be the file name; if chosen the command executed will be the full path to the file.

Including menu entries for a bunch of files probably only make sense if they fall under a submenu (whose submenu_description would describe the files collected below it).

May be immediately followed by any or all of icon= and tooltip= lines and cmd= lines, in any order. If it is, the icon and tooltip_text will be applied to each of the menu entries created; if there's a command, it will be prepended to the path associated with the chosen item in the menu generated by the include= line.

A line in a menu configuration file can be an absolute path to a file, beginning with a forward slash or tilde. No keyword is expected or required, nor is it to be followed by icon= and tooltip= lines or cmd= lines.

By default, menu items generated from such lines will display the file name prefixed by its immediately containing subdirectory.

If a previously encountered configure=> line includes abspathparts n, the lowest n elements of the path (the filename counts as one element) wil be displayed. If n is zero, the whole path will be displayed.

Each generated item's tooltip will display the full path to the file, as provided in the menu configuration file, before tilde expansion.

The most likely use of such lines in a menu configuration file is to make it possible to generate a configuration file on the fly and pipe it into gtkmenuplus, with e.g. something like:

{echo "configure abspathparts 3" ; find ~ -name *.conf 2> /dev/null | grep -v '.netbeans'} | gtkmenuplus -

Denotes a submenu_description to show in the menu listing.

It may be immediately followed by icon= and/or tooltip= lines, in any order, which, if they are to relate to a given "submenu=", must precede lines with any other keyword except if=, elseif=, else or endif.

By default, (but see configure=>, below):

The icon= and/or tooltip= lines must be indented using the <tab> character. They must be indented by one more tab than the submenu= line, as must all menu entries in the submenu.

The first line that is not indented with the same number of <tab>s signals the end of this submenu.

The indentation of lines with keywords like iconsize=, menupos=, icondirectory=, format=, tooltipformat=, if=, etc, which don't make up part of the definition of a menu item or submenu is ignored and has no effect on when a submenu ends.

Submenus can be nested.

A submenus= line marks the end of any menu item or submenu preceding it.

Any of the words endsubmenu, noendsubmenu, noicons, formattinglocal, abspathparts, menuposition, iconsize, errormsgbox and noerrormsgbox can occur on this line.

abspathparts and iconsize must be immediately followed by whitespace, then an integer; menuposition must be followed by must be followed by whitespace, then two whitespace-separated integers.

For the effects of endsubmenu and noendsubmenu, see the endsubmenu line.

For the effects of noicons and icons, see the icon= line.

For the effects of formattinglocal and noformattinglocal, see the include=menu_configuration_file line.

For the effects of abspathparts, see the /path_to/file, ~/path_to/file line.

menuposition x y has the same effect as the menuposition=h w line. Only one x y menu position, specified by either method, may occur in a menu configuratin file.

iconsize size has the same effect as the iconsize=size line, overrides the effect of that line, and is overridden by any such following line.

By default when gtkmenuplus is not launched via a CLI, fatal errors are displayed in a message box. errorconsoleonly prevents such message boxes from appearing. noerrorconsoleonly reverts to the default behaviour.

Once endsubmenu is encountered on a configure=> line is encountered, indentation of lines no longer signals which menu entries belong to which submenu. Instead indentation is ignored, and everything after a submenu= line belongs to that submenu until the occurrence of an endsubmenu line. Behaviour reverts to default when noendsubmenu occurs on a subsequent configure= line.

Ignoring indentation means that leading whitespace can be used cosmetically, e.g. to mark lines within if=/elseif=/else/endif blocks (and of course to continue to clarify what belongs to which submenu).

A separator just that - a line in the menu.

A separator marks the end of any menu item or submenu preceding it.

An optional line that changes the dimensions of the image used for succeeding menu items. There can be multiple iconsize= lines; each sets the icon size for all menu entries that follow, until the next iconsize= line.

size must be between 20 and 200.

Icons used in gnome are typically 16, 24, 48 or 96 pixels square.

If no iconsize= is in force size will be 30 unless the gtk framework returns a different size.

To speed execution, all icon files associated with a menu configuration file should be of the image size specified by the most recent iconsize= line.

A iconsize line marks the end of any menu item or submenu preceding it.

You can get the same result by putting iconsize size on a configure= line.

or menupos=x y

An optional line to force the menu to open at a given x-y position (the programme xev can help you find coordinates - see its man page). If no menupos= in encountered, the menu is shown at the mouse cursor position. Only one menupos= is allowed per configuration file.

A menupos= line marks the end of any menu item or submenu preceding it.

menupos= is present but commented out in test_menu.txt.

If you place the menu at a spot where it will not fit, the menu will look odd. Duh.

You can get the same result by putting menuposition x y on a configure= line.

After this line is encountered, in all subsequent icon=path_to_image_file lines, if path_to_image_file doesn't begin with a tilde or forward slash, it's assumed to be relative to path_to_icon_directory.

path_to_icon_directory follows the rules for paths referred to in menu configuration files.

icondirectory= followed by no text reverts the base path for icons to the path in which the configuration file was found (as specified on command line).

There can be multiple icondirectory= lines; each sets the icon directory for all menu entries that follow, until the next icondirectory= line.

A icondirectory= line marks the end of any menu item or submenu preceding it.

condition may be either:

a reference to an argument following the menu configuration file on the command line when gtkmenuplus was called, the arguments referred to by the reference $1, $2,... etc. (You can also get the menu configuration file argument with $0.). E.g.

referring to the third argument on the gtkmenuplus command line:

if= $2

a variable previously defined by a previous var= line in the menu configuration file.

a valid command that the shell can execute that produces a value on STDOUT.

In either case the value is expected to be an integer, "yes", "true", "no" or "false", all case insensitive.

If the value (either the result of command execution sent to STDOUT received as a parameter, or the value of a variable) is non-zero, "true" or "yes", the menu entries following the if= up to the following else or endif will be displayed.

If that value is zero, "false" or "no" , the menu entries following the if= up to the following else or endif will NOT be displayed, but any after a following else line will be.

An if=/[elseif=]/[else] endif block can be embedded within another.

If if=$n or elseif=$n lines when there are less than n parameters on the gtkmenuplus command line, all lines from the line up to the matching else or endif will be processed into the menu.

If you want to test some condition requiring a call to the shell, and you want to use the same condition in various if= lines in your menu configuration file, you might be best to invoke the shell command in a variable==expression within an argument on the command line; that way the shell needs to be invoked only once, instead of multiple times for multiple if= statements.

if=, elseif=, else and endif lines do NOT mark the end of any menu item or submenu preceding it. So you can have tooltip= or icon= lines apply to any of several items= that might appear conditionally before them e.g.

if= [ ! $(date +%H) -gt 18 ]; echo -n $? # logic reversed; [] returns 0 if it succeeds item = evening game cmd = mahjongg else item = daytime game cmd = mines endif #these will apply to whichever of the previous commands is allowed to show by the above B<if>=/B<else> lines tooltip = the item you see here depends on the time of day icon=games_package.png

if=, elseif=, else and endif lines are scoped to each menu configuration file. If you include= a menu configuration file, a endif line must follow a if= line within that file, and won't relate to a if= line in the including file.

error=message can be used to stop menu configuration file processing, the need for which would generally be detected by if=, elseif=, else and endif lines.

show menu entries following the if= line only in PM hours:

if= if [ `date +%p` = "PM" ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi

if= [ ! $(date +%p) = 'PM' ]; echo -n $?

Negation (!) is used because test returns 0 for true; $() is alternative to backticks

on the command line:

gtkmenuplus path_to_menu_configuration_file "[ ! $(date +%p) = 'PM' ]; echo -n $?"

and then use if= $1

date can be only show menu items on certain days of week, days of the month, week of the year, etc.

show menu entries following the if= line only if using a particular physical screen:

if= xrandr --current | grep "VGA-0 connected" | wc -l

xrandr may have to fetched from repositories

on the command line:

gtkmenuplus path_to_menu_configuration_file "xrandr --current | grep 'VGA-0 connected' | wc -l"

and then use if= $1

show menu entries following the if= line only if firefox is running:

if= xdotool search --name Firefox | wc -l

xdotool may have to fetched from repositories

on the command line:

gtkmenuplus path_to_menu_configuration_file "$(xdotool search --name Firefox | wc -l)"

and then use if= $1

$HOME works correctly, so you can test files relative to your home directory; this one will be true if MIRRORS.ALL is larger than 2k:

if= if [ `ls -l $HOME/MIRRORS.ALL | cut -d\ -f5` -gt 2000 ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi

inverting result of [ ], which returns 0 if expression true:

if= [ ! $(ls -l $HOME/MIRRORS.ALL | cut -d\ -f5) -gt 2000 ]; echo -n $?

on the command line:

gtkmenuplus path_to_menu_configuration_file "[ ! $(ls -l $HOME/MIRRORS.ALL | cut -d\ -f5) -gt 2000 ]; echo -n $?"

and then use if= $1

test if a particular memory stick is mounted (inverting result of [ ], which returns 0 if expression true):

if= [ ! -d '/media/VOL_LABEL' ]; echo -n $?

on the command line:

gtkmenuplus path_to_menu_configuration_file "[ -d '/media/VOL_LABEL' ]; echo -n $?"

and then use if= $1

test if partition $HOME resides on is more than 90% full (inverting result of [ ], which returns 0 if expression true):

if= [ ! $(df $HOME | grep / | awk -F' ' '{print $5}' | awk -F'%' '{print $1}') -gt 90 ]; echo -n $?

gtkmenuplus (1) :

No known bugs.

gtkmenuplus is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

gtkmenuplus comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

See the file COPYING distributed with gtkmenuplus for the complete license.


Alan Campbell