gtkmenuplus demos and examples

There are several miniature applications in subdirectories of the examples directory, each including a menu configuration file and supporting files, e.g. scripts and icons:

ubuntu_stop_modes directory:

A menu configuration file and icons to shutdown, reboot, suspend, and lock screen,

Works for me on Ubuntu 11.10, but I can't find a command to cause hibernation on my machine.

Quite probably won't work on other distros, maybe not even on other Ubuntu releases.

It invokes xdg-screensaver, /usr/lib/indicator-session/gtk-logout-helper, gnome-screensaver-command, and pmi

To make sure you have all those, do

sudo apt-get install powermangement-interface xdg-utils gnome-screensaver indicator-session

It includes a demonstration of a menu choice (suspend) running multiple commands via bash.

Unzip ubuntu_stop_modes directory anywhere, preserving folder structure.

Assign a keyboard shortcut or launcher to

gtkMenuPlus path_to/ubuntu_stop_modes

caseChanger directory:

A menu configuration file and script invoked by it to change case of text in editable controls.

The script requires sed, tr, xclip and xdotool, the latter two of which you'll have to fetch from repositories. Also invokes zenity (if installed) for error messages, so you could fetch that too.

To make sure you have all those, do

sudo apt-get install xclip xdotool zenity

Put in a folder on your path (typically $HOME/bin); Put the menu configuration file (clip_menu) anywhere. Assign a keyboard shortcut to

gtkMenuPlus path_to/clip_menu

Highlight text in any editable control. Make sure the window containing that control has focus. Hit the shortcut key, choose an option on the popup menu.

As a special case, if you have a file selected in nautilus same script should work. If you want to make the same feature work for another file manager, you'll have to edit at at least three points (all commented).

The manpageMenu directory:

A set of scripts (using gtkMenuPlus and/or myGtkMenu, and other programmes) to display a menu of man pages and display your choice of one (as text, html, a pdf, in yelp or in man in a terminal. Run, with the other scripts in the same folder.

Includes a menu configuration file, manpagesSpecific, which presents a menu of man pages. It invokes the script which should be on your path, as should

manpagesSpecific (either invoked on the gtkMenuPlus command line or in an include= line) must be followed by a parameter indicating the display you with (pdf, text, html, man)

manpage.png might be a useful icon for a submenu containing include=manpagesSpecific, or a launcher for Run

The man pages named in manpagesSpecific cmd= lines may not exist on your system if you haven't installed the programmes in question. Each item is surrounded by if=/endif lines so the item won't appear if you don't have the programmme.