Monitoring ESS Health

Why we need to monitor English Springer Spaniel breed health

English Springer Spaniels are not known to suffer from widespread health problems and are generally long-lived, providing they are kept fit, well-exercised, and are fed a healthy, balanced diet. A major breed health survey was carried out in 2013 on behalf of the UK ESS Breed Clubs, which attracted over 5,000 responses right across the breed in the UK and provided a statistically significant picture of ESS health and temperament at that time. The full Survey Report can be viewed online or downloaded as a pdf by clicking on the icon below.

The health survey was a great starting point, but it is important that we continue to monitor ESS health into the future in order to help our understanding of how healthy the breed is, as well as putting any problems in context and identifying any potential emerging issues. This website therefore provides an ongoing facility for owners of UK bred English Springer Spaniels to report health and mortality information about their dogs.

What will happen to the information provided?

All information is treated in the strictest confidence and no names of owners, or dogs’ details will ever be published. By including your English Springer’s and your own name, we will be able to come back to you for further information if needed. The raw data, with dogs’ and owners’ names, will only be seen by the English Springer Spaniel UK Breed Clubs' Joint Health Co-ordinators.

By completing a health or mortality report, you give your consent for the data to be published anonymously, or used in research, for the benefit of breed health improvement.

Submitting a health or mortality report

  • You can submit a report on any UK bred English Springer Spaniel owned by you, whether Kennel Club registered or not.

  • Please complete a separate form for EACH English Springer Spaniel.

Reporting a diagnosed health condition in a living ESS

  • Please only record health conditions that have been diagnosed by a Veterinary Surgeon. To view the health conditions listed on the online reporting form, click HERE.

  • If your ESS has been diagnosed with any condition not listed on the form, you can report it under "Other Conditions".

  • Please record health conditions that have been diagnosed since January 2020.

Reporting the death of an ESS

    • You can submit a mortality report on any UK bred English Springer Spaniel owned by you that has died since 1st January 2020.