
June 2023: Embedded Systems presents at the IEEE Irish Signals and Systems Conference a study on transfer learning and pediatric seizure detection. 

June 2023: Embedded.Systems@UCC presents at IEEE IWASI the lowest power AI inference and the lowest power AI-Assisted sonification for battery operated seizure detection systems. A step closer to zero power detection of (neonatal) seizures.

December 2022: Embedded Systems publishes a top notch paper in hardware security in the open journal MDPI, Future Internet

November 2021: Embedded.Systems@UCC presents 3 papers at the IEEE EMBC Conference, a leading conference in biomedical design.

October 2021: ICE Urban Design and Planning Reed and Mallick Medal for Emanuel Popovici and co-authors from UCD and TCD

July 2021: Best team - Dominic Lightbody, Duc-Minh Ngo, Cathal Kelly for winning 1st prize in the MAXIM/Elektor International AI competition

January 2021: Best Engineering@UCC paper of the year goes to Sergi Gomez Quintana of Embedded.Systems@UCC

December 2020: Santa come early- 20 laptops kindly donated by Qualcomm reach students and staff in the School of Engineering

September 2020: Great news for Digital Cork as Cadence opens an office in Cork

May 2020: Despite COVID-19, Engineering students still celebrate (online) in the EEE Fun day as part of the award winning EE1007 module

January 2020: Embedded.Systems@UCC co-organiser with Qualcomm of an outstanding MIDAS-Ireland AI conference

January 2019: New Year and starting on a very happy note! Two secondary level students from CBS Charleville (Rory and Robert Troy), and Ishaan Arakkal from Carrigaline Community School all crowned in the BT Young Scientist 2019, Technology Category. What an achievement! Amazing project from some amazing young engineers! Embedded.Systems@UCC proudly associated with these projects. 

December 2018: Our collaborators win the AI Ireland Awards. Fantastic achievement for a fantastic team. Engineering@UCC rules AI in Ireland...

December 2018: First Lego League Final held in the iconic Aula Maxima in UCC. And yes, an amazing event sponsored by Qualcomm, organised by the IET and LeanIT and hosted by Embedded.Systems@UCC. Coláiste Daibhéid won again!!! However, everyone was a winner. Fantastic projects and fantastic display. Well done everyone.

October 2018: First Lego League again on UCC Campus! The big final will be on 1st of December.

August 2018: 18 interns finish their placement in the Embedded.Systems@UCC!!! What a year! ENSICAEN, ENSSAT, University of Genoa, UPC Barcelona, ENSAM Paris, ... It was great pleasure to host you all!

June 2018: Embedded.Systems@UCC and INFANT researchers rewarded with the best paper award at the Irish Signals and Systems Conference in Belfast, 2018

May 2018: Alison O'Shea from the INFANT Centre who was mentored by Dr. Emanuel Popovici and Dr. Andriy Temko wins the prestigious Google Women Techmakers. This is a second time for UCC after Fiona Edwards Murphy has won it in 2016.

April 2018: Embedded.Systems@UCC group rewarded with collaboration achievement award for the brain stethoscope project jointly with INFANT and Tyndall. Finalist in 2 other categories.

December 2017: Embedded.Systems group instrumental in the organising the grand finals of First LEGO League on UCC Campus. The event was funded by Qualcomm and delivered together with LearnIT.

October 2017: Fiona Edwards Murphy graduates in style after winning BoI Ignite award.

June 2017: Two big awards for two papers in the Irish Signals and Systems Conference: 2nd prize in best paper award (V2Hz: music synthesis from wind energy data streams), and best poster award (IoT and Vital Signs)

February 2017: Our collaborator, Dr. Andrey Temko of INFANT Centre, wins a very prestigious Kaggle competition on brain seizure prediction. Andrey is co-supervising in the group the smart brain stethoscope project.

January 2017: Simon Coulter and Jonatan Poveda represent the group at the BT Young Scientist exhibition called Walk Like a Dinosaur. This project is a collaboration with Computer Science and School of BEES.

January 2017: Aidan O'Mahoney joins the group as a PhD student. He will work on hardware accelerators for data servers.

December 2016: Bruno visits Fawaz Massouh and Ivan Dobrev at the renown DynFluid lab, ParisTech.

October 2016: joint project with civil engineers leads to a fantastic paper in Bridge Engineering. From the famous Cork Shakey Bridge (or Daly Bridge) to international visibility ;-)

September 2016: Mark O'Sullivan joins the Embedded.Systems group as a research masters student on a joint project with the Infant Centre.

August 2016: Embedded.Systems@UCC YouTube channel collects more than 10000 visualisations! And we only started counting recently...

June 2016: Fiona Edwards-Murphy is awarded a highly competitive and  very prestigious Google Scholarship for promoting engineering. The 7000 euro will be used to further promote engineering in causes that better the humanity.

May 2016: Embedded.Systems@UCC wins the Irish Engineering Lab of the Year award 

April 2016: World celebrates 100th birthday of Claude Shannon.

April 2016: Bust of George Boole unveiled at UCC campus. This is the first 3D depiction of George Boole.

April 2016: two major journal papers published in the group. Bruno is the lead author on a paper on adaptive sampling(MDPI Sensors - Open) while Fiona is the lead author on a paper on bees, agriculture and weather prediction in Elsevier Electronics and Computing in Agriculture Journal(one of the best journals in agriculture according to Google Scholar).

April 2016: Colm Murphy joins the group as a Research Masters student on another cool project on smart tools and augmented reality.

March 2016: Embedded.Systems@UCC shortlisted in 4 categories at IrishLab Awards.

March 2016: Dr. Emanuel Popovici visits University Politehnica Timisoara as an invited professor.

March 2016: Paul Kelleher, Director of Engineering at Qualcomm gives a lecture in UE3007. Digital IC design, present and future: a Qualcomm perspective. 

February 2015: Smart helmet project begins: where artificial intelligence meets the natural one.

January 2015: Bruno Srbinovski deploys a special wind turbine farm. 16 turbines. The first experiment at the new Beauford building as part of SFI Marei project. And this is only the beginning. Thank you SFI and Analog Devices for making it possible.

January 2016: UCC and MIT start celebrations of the Shannon Year

December 2015: Embedded.Systems@UCC wishes all friends Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

November 2015: Congratulations to Fiona for publishing in the Boolean Journal, UCC

November 2nd, 2015: UCC and the World celebrate 200th Birthday of George Boole. Read more about on

October 2015: Embedded Systems Group welcomes 6 final year students(4 EEE, 2 Energy), 2 interns(University of Genoa and Politehnico di Turin), 1 master(Mec) student

October 2015: Congratulations to Simon Coulter who won a very prestigious scholarship from the Irish Research Council and Daqri. He will join the group shortly on a cool project.

October 2015: Dr. Enrique Garcia Nunez joins the group as a Research Fellow on an amazing project. Check and read about some truly amazing projects. Projects with a difference.

September 2015: Congratulations to Nasim who successfully defends her PhD! This is the 10th PhD in the group!

September 2015: Embedded.Systems@UCC hosts the MIDAS Ireland meeting

September 2015: Embedded Systems Group co-authored paper "A Low Cost, highly scalable Wireless Sensor Network solution to achieve smart LED light control for green buildings" published in 2015 becomes one of the most downloaded paper in the history of IEEE Sensors Journal. 

September 2015: Industry session of wBmS'15 workshop chaired by Dr. Kieran Drain, CEO Tyndall

September 2015: Embedded Systems Group co-hosts Prof. Jack Cowan(U. Chicago) together with Dept. of Anatomy and Neurosciences

September 2015: wBmS'15 opened by UCC President, Dr. Michael Murphy

September 2015: Embedded Systems Group involved in the organisation of the wBmS'1111 (When Boole meets Shannon Workshop 2015). World renowned researchers present at the workshop

August 2015: Embedded Systems Group and School of Mathematical sciences co-host Prof. Muriel Medard, MIT

August 2015: Embedded Systems Group hosts the FET-Open iRISC consortium

July 2015: Emanuel Popovici is an Invited Professor at ENSSAT 

June 2015: Embedded Systems is part of UCC-ENS Rennes MOU on research collaboration.

June 2015: Big buzz at the Irish Signals and Systems conference where a UCC/Embedded Systems team(Liam+Killian) win the runner-up prize (250 euro) for their project on smart bee hive. 

May 2015: Fiona Edwards Murphy wins the second prize in the poster competition at the prestigious IEEE I2MTC(top conference sponsored by Instrumentation and Measurement Society). Her paper is entitled "Development of a heterogeneous wireless sensor network for instrumentation and analysis of beehives".

May 2015: Emanuel Popovici  gives an invited talk on Embedded Computer Vision at the HiPEAC Computing Systems Week in Oslo.

April 2015: Fiona and Bruno papers are very well received at the prestigious IEEE SAS conference.

April 2015: Embedded Systems lab is visited by an intruder who after being caught on an IR camera, destroys the equipment. Our final year projects just get very popular...

March 19: 8 students associated with Embedded Systems group present at the Engineering Open Day their final year projects on safe farming, smart hives, vital signs on the run and smart toys with a difference.

March 14, 2015: World celebrates Pi day.

February 2015: Embedded.Systems@UCC team(Tristan Jezequel, Fiona Edwards-Murphy, James Cunningham, Michelle Donovan) shortlisted top 15 teams on the Planet in the IEEE Presidents' Change the World competition.

11 February 2015: St. Gobnait Day, patron of bees and beekeepers.

February 2015: Embedded Systems group is visited by Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, UC Berkeley

January 2015: There is still time  to register for inaugural lectures of Prof. Sangiovanni Vincentelli, a famous engineer and an Embedded Systems World leader. Register for free at

January 2015: Embedded Systems Group welcomes the visit of CEO of Tyndall, Dr. Kieran Drain.

December 2014: Embedded Systems Group wishes all collaborators, alumni and friends Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!

December 2014: Third time lucky as Fiona Edwards Murphy leads the winning team in the IEEE/IBM Smarter Planet Challenge with the Project (2B) OR !(2B). Two other final year students(Liam and Killian) associated with the group are also part of the inter-disciplinary team. Why go to Hollywood when you can be a star with Embedded.Systems@UCC?

October 2014: 8 final year students choose some fantastic Embedded Systems projects including smart toys, safe farm, i-bees, sensor fusion for biomedical applications.

October 2014: David McCarthy leaves for University of California at Santa Barbara for his PhD research.

September 2014: Bo Yang(MEngSc Southampton) is joining the Embedded Systems group where he will pursue PhD research in the area of near threshold computing.

September 2014: Fiona Edwards Murphy visits our collaborators ENSSAT in Lannion where she also presents her work on smart toys.

August 2014: Satish Grandhi presents at the IEEE VLSI-SOC Conference the paper "Reliability Aware Logic Synthesis through Rewriting".

July 2014: Fiona Edwards Murphy awarded a very prestigious Government of Ireland Irish Research Council PhD Scholarship to pursue research in the Embedded Systems Group. She will be co-supervised by Dr. Emanuel Popovici(Embedded Systems/School of Engineering) and Padraig Whelan(School of BEES)

July 2014: Bruno Srbinovski is joining the Embedded Systems Group and MaREI to pursue research in the area of smart embedded systems for marine energy.

June 2014: Two undergraduate Embedded Systems students(Tadhg Lambe and Alex Jaeger) receive the runner-up prize in the MIDAS Ireland 3rd Level Project Competition 2014 at a ceremony in NUI Galway on the 28thof May. Their final year project entitled Smart Toy Interfaces: Towards Collaborative Signal Processing and Smart Interaction received the recognition of the esteemed MIDAS jury and a prize of 250 euro. 

April 2014: David McCarthy, a postgraduate(MEngSc) research student of Embedded Systems Group at EEE won the gold medal(individual session) in the Irish Intervarsities Maths contest. His UCC team won the second prize in the same contest.

April 2014: An Embedded Systems team(David McCarthy, Tadhg Lambe, Alex Jaeger) coached by Dr. Emanuel Popovici wins 2nd prize in the ACM Irish Collegiate Programming Competition 2014

March 2014: A record number of 17 final year Engineering undergraduate students associated with Embedded Systems submit their final year report.

January 2014: Melisa Bradley(Undergraduate student Early Childhood Studies), Andreea Zagoneanu (Undergraduate Student Occupational Therapy), Fiona Edwards-Murphy (Postgraduate student in Embedded Systems, Member IEEE), Tadhg Lambe (Undergraduate student Embedded Systems, Member IEEE), Alex Jaeger (team leader, undergraduate student EEE, Member IEEE) win an amazing second prize in the IEEE/IBM Smarter Planet Challenge with their project called U-Play: Unified Networks for Playing with toys.