
Engineering Inspired by Life

Welcome to the Embedded Systems Group at the School of Engineering, University College Cork. Since 2005, the Embedded Systems Research Group has pursued a broad range of activities through research, teaching, outreach, collaboration with industry. Our activities are primarily focusing on novel low power design for hardware-software systems for computing and communications applications. We study various issues related to the modelling, design and implementation of reliable and secure low power embedded systems including algorithms, architectures and applications (biomedical, industrial electronics/informatics, environmental, structural health, smart home/smart toys, Internet of Things, etc). Our applications are very broad and inspired by day by day problems including some of the lowest power AI at the edge (with human in the loop) for detecting seizures for neonates, an extraordinary stethoscope for detecting congenital heart disease and not only,  smart lighting systems which can dramatically reduce your energy bill (more than 65%), smart toys which can help kids in learning, look after their well being, even catching Santa; smart wave/wind energy optimisation; ultra-smart beehives; accurate vital signs on the run; smart clothes; accurate localization systems; computing and communications using faulty hardware; art and electronics; wind turbine orchestra, brain wave sonification like no other, systems to detect forest fires or even synthetic/fake voice, toys that dance even Riverdance, weather modulated communications, you name it. Stock option pricing and even award winning security. We have even put a snapdragon on a fantastic F1Tenth. In our endeavours, we use the theoretical foundations introduced by George Boole(first Professor of Mathematics at UCC) and Claude Shannon(renowned Professor at MIT). We are proud founding members of the Claude Shannon Institute for discrete mathematics, coding and cryptography, members of the INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics, Centre for Research Training in AI (CRT-AI) and Marei Centre for Renewable Energy. 

During the past years, we have built a distinguished publishing record on hardware security, coding and cryptography algorithms and architectures, low power arithmetic, ultra-low power design methodology, security and reliability in the context of SoC/NoC and in wireless embedded systems, including sensor networks(WSN) and IoT. The group has received more than 50 national and international awards and distinctions from organisations including IEEE, ACM, IET, MIDAS Ireland, IBM, ICE, etc. Our talented students also won 3 prizes in the IEEE/IBM Smarter Planet Challenge(2011, 2013, 2014) with projects that materialised in successful businesses. Based on these amazing projects (and many other great projects and talks), we created a channel on youtube called embedded.systems@ucc

Embedded.Systems@UCC group is always welcoming new members, thinking outside the box research challenges, and collaborations from both Academia and Industry. In particular, we welcome sponsorship and funding to bring our ideas to life. Our favourite quote: "There are no strangers here. Only friends you haven't yet met"- W.B. Yeats

Challenge your Imagination

(our Logo is using characters from the Ogham Alphabet)