Getting started

1. Introduction


The Locust Emergency Response Toolkit (eLERT) is an interactive online database which serves as a reference tool for locust emergency prevention and operations, and which facilitates information sharing on key issues, such as technical specifications of recommended equipment, registered pesticides, contact lists of important partners, lists of suppliers, etc.


The eLERT is built with Google Sites, a web application that allows groups of people to work together on a site. The users can add new free-form content, information or attachments from Google Applications (Docs, Picasa, Youtube, Calendar, etc.) and make them available to everyone. Creating a site is as easy as editing, and you always control who has access, whether it is just yourself, your team, or your whole organization.

 This guide will show you the features to create, update and publish the content of the eLERT.

If you need additional information, you may refer to the “Help” section at the top of the eLERT homepage.

2. Sign-in


Click “Sign-in” at the bottom-left of the eLERT homepage and insert username and password.