Moushmov Markianopolis / Marcianopolis Elagabalus

These are the coins that I have of Elagabalus from Markianopolis as they appear in Moushmov (link). I am using this as a check list of the Moushmov types that I have. It is only my intent to offer a comparison of the plate coin vs. my personal examples. The plates are a link to the plates on hosted on by The # after the plate is the coin # on that page. As they used to try to shrink the number of plates total back then, the plate coin quite often does not show the specific coin from the specific city (or even from the specific emperor), however is an just example of that reverse. My reference page lists other references. Wildwind's intro page to Moushmov.

Moushmov, Nikola Ancient Coins of the Balkan Peninsula. 1912. Originally written in Bulgarian, it has been translated and placed online. Often abbreviated Moush. It is arranged by region and city first, and then by ruler.

Elagabalus on the obverse:

612 Ares with helmet, cuirassed, holding shield and inverted long spear. Plate VI 21. (example)

613 Aesklepios standing holding serpent entwined staff. Plate VI 25. (example)

614 Aesklepios' serpent entwined staff. (example)

615 Athena standing with helmet, holding spear and shield. Plate VI 33. (example)

617 Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm. Plate VII 13. (example)

619 Thanatos, Genius of death, standing, holding inverted burning brand. Plate VII 19. (example) Note: 2 better preserved examples on Website Eros on Roman Provincial Coinage. Here is their take on Eros vs Thanatos (an interesting read, definitely leads towards Eros rather than Thanatos).

620 Bunch of grapes. (example)

622 Demeter covered with a veil, standing, holding corn-ears and scepter or torch. Plate VII 23. (example)(2)

625 Aequitas standing with scales and cornucopiae. Plate VIII 10. (example)(2)

627 Woman with long article of clothing, holding corn-ears and cornucopiae (Abundantia, Annona?) (example)

628 Woman standing, holding corn-ears and branch. (example) Note: or possibly 627

632 Concordia standing, holding patera over altar and cornucopiae. Plate IX 8. (example)

633 Concordia standing with patera and cornucopiae. Plate IX 6. (example)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

639 Advancing lion. Plate IX 16. (example)

643 Nemesis standing with arshin and balance; below – a wheel. Plate IX 22. (example)(2) Note:2 without a wheel

644 Nemesis- Aequitas standing with balance and cornucopiae; below – a wheel. Plate VIII 10. (example)

645 A legend in laurel wreath. Plate VIII 11. (example)(2) Note: Example 2 not in laurel wreath, but closest Moushmov type.

646 Eagle with a wreath in its beak. Plate IX 33. (example)(2)(3)

647 Priapus standing raising his tog with both hands to show his penis. Plate IX 34. (example)

648 Crescent moon and 4 stars. Plate XII 20. (example)

648A Crescent moon and three stars. (example)

649 Burning altar, decorated. Plate VII 35. (example)

650 Burning altar. (example)

651 River god reclining half-left, holding thyrsos, leaning on urn from which waters flow; behind – cornucopiae. (example) Note: Leaning on rock and no cornucopiae, but closest Moushmov type.

652 Telesphorus standing, wrapped with long dress. (example)

653 Serpent entwined tripod. Plate X 20. (example)

655 Burning torch. (example)

656 Hera standing with patera and scepter. Plate XI 21. (example)(2)(3)(4)

657 Hermes standing with purse and caduceus. Plate XI 9. (example)

659 Hygeia standing, feeding snake in patera. Plate XI 9. (example)(2)(3)

NOT Listed Basket of Fruit (example)

NOT Listed Tall Basket of Fruit (example)

NOT Listed Eagle standing left on altar, head right, holding a wreath in beak; military standard on either side (vexillum) (example)

There are 52 types of coins of Elagabalus minted in Markianopolis listed on the Moushmov page. They are numbered 608 to 659

Elagabalus and Julia Maesa on the obverse:

663 Apollo naked, standing, his right hand is over his head and holding a bow with his left hand, resting on serpent entwined tree. E. Plate VI 3. (example)

667 Bonus –Eventus naked, standing, holding patera and corn-ears. (example)

668 Serapis' bust right with kalathos (a basket made of reeds). E. Plate VII 11. (example)

671 Dionysos naked, standing, pouring out wine from a cup and holding thyrsos. E. Plate VIII 4. (example)

674 Aequitas standing with scales and cornucopiae. E. (example)

677 Woman standing, with corn-ears and cornucopiae (Abondancia?). (example) Note: 670 he lists as Demeter with the same attributes.

678 Zeus standing with patera and scepter. E. Plate VIII 16. (example)

679 Coiled snake with head up. Plate VIII 23. (example) (example2)

680 Concordia with kalathos (a basket made of reeds) on her head, holding patera over burning altar and cornucopiae. E. Plate IX 8. (example)(example2) Note: example2 has no burning altar. Differs from 681 as example has kalathos.

682 Libertas standing left, holding a tessera (spelled tesera on Moushmov site) (plochka s dryjka) and cornucopiae. E. Plate IX 12. (example)

684 Nemesis standing with scales and parazonium. E. (example) note that the example has been tooled.

687 Fortuna standing with rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29. (example)(2)

690 Hermes standing with purse and caduceus. E. Plate XI 2. (example)

692A Hercules standing facing leaning on club and holding apples of the Hesperides. (example)

693 Hygeia standing, feeding snake in patera. Plate XI 9. (example)(2)

NOT Listed Nike (Victory) resting on column (example)

There are 31 types of coins of Elagablus with Julia Maesa minted in Markianopolis listed on the Moushmov page. They are numbered 663 to 693.

Elagabalus and Julia Soaemis on the obverse

NOT Listed Hades-Serapis or Sarapis standing left with kalathos, holding patera and staff (example)

Elagabalus on the obverse (Still needed):

608 Apollo or Bonus-Eventus naked, standing, holding branch and patera over burning altar. Plvate VI 9.

609 Apollo – doctor naked, standing, holding serpent entwined staff in right hand, and his tog in left hand. Plate VI 18.

610 Ares standing with patera and cornucopiae.

611 Ares standing with shield and spear. Plate VI 20.

616 Victory advancing right, holding wreath and palm.

618 Genius naked in front of altar, holding patera and branch. Plate VI 9.

621 Demeter standing, holding corn-ears and cornucopiae.

623 Dionysos naked, standing, with bunch of grapes andthyrsos. Plate VIII 5.

624 Dionysos naked, standing, with cup and thyrsos. Plate VIII 4.

626 Aequitas standing, holding scales and parazonium.

629 Woman standing, holding 2 corn-ears and scepter.

630 Zeus standing with mantle , holding patera and scepter.

631 Zeus seated left, holding patera and scepter.

634 Concordia seated, holding patera and cornucopiae. Plate X 9.

635 Concordia standing left, holding patera and parazonium.

636 Snake emerging from half-opened cista. Plate IX 14.

637 Herakles' club.

638 Vine with bunch of grapes.

640 Nemesis standing, holding cornucopiae in right hand.

641 Nemesis standing, her right hand on her mouth, wit her left hand holding whip; below - a wheel. Plate IX 24.

642 Nemesis advancing left, holding arshin, below – a wheel.

654 Fortuna standing with rudder and cornucopiae. Plate X 29.

658 Herakles standing, holding patera over altar and club.

Elagabalus and Julia Soaemis on the obverse (still needed):

660 Bonus-Eventus naked, standing left with patera and corn-ears. Plate XIII 14.

661 Hades-Serapis with kalathos (a basket made of reeds) on his head, seated, holding scepter, hand on Cerberus seated next to him. Plate X 15.

662 Hermes naked with purse and caduceus. Plate XI 2.

Elagabalus and Julia Maesa on the obverse (still needed):

664 Aesklepios standing, resting on serpent entwined staff. E. Plate XIII 12.

665 Athena standing with patera and spear. Plate VI 34.

666 Athena standing spear and shield. E. Plate VI 33.

669 Demeter standing with corn-ears and long torch. E. Plate VII 23.

670 Demeter with corn-ears and cornucopiae.

671 Dionysos naked, standing, pouring out wine from a cup and holding thyrsos. E. Plate VIII 4.

672 Dionysos naked, standing, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos. E. Plate VIII 5.

673 Dionysos naked, standing, with cup and thyrsos; next to him - a panther. E. Plate VIII 6.

675 Woman standing, holding branch and cornucopiae.

675 Woman standing, holding branch and cornucopiae.

681 Concordia with patera and cornucopiae. E. Plate IX 6.

683 Nemesis Aequitas standing with scales and cornucopiae; below – a wheel. E. Plate VIII 10.

685 Laurel wreath and legend in 6 lines in it. E.

686 Serapis with kalathos (a basket made of reeds), standing, holding scepter. E. Plate X 13.

688 Hera standing with paera and scepter. E. Plate XI 21.

689 Hades-Serapis (Pluto) seated on a throne left, holding scepter with his right hand, his left hand over Cerberus seated next to him. E. Plate X 15.

691 Hermes naked, right foot on a rock, resting on his right knee; holding caduceus in left hand. E.

692 Herakles standing in front of altar, holding patera and club.

Main page on Elagabalus

Reverse types of Elagabalus from Markianopolis page

Reverse types of Elagabalus and Julia Maesa page

Reverse types of Elagabalus and Julia Soaemias page

Moushmov types from Nicopolis ad Istrum page

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