Gods and Goddesses of Markianopolis in the time of Elagabalus

During the time of Elagabalus 218-222 AD, the Roman provincial cities, including Markianopolis (Marcianopolis) generally were generally worshiping the Greek gods and goddesses.This page shows the coins from Markianopolis that I have with the Greek gods and goddesses on them. I provide a link to Wikipedia (w) and www.pantheon.org (p) or other (o) external sources if Wikipedia does not have information on them. The pronunciation in italics is also from www.pantheon.org. For a couple that didn't have pronunciation there, the pronunciation is from Wikipedia. In parenthesis, I have the Roman equivalent.


a-pol'-lo (Apollo, also Roman) (w)(p) Archer god of medicine and healing and a bringer of death dealing plague.He was also god of music and poetry. He was increasingly identified with the sun. Usually shown with a serpent staff OR holding a patera over an altar and a branch OR naked holding bow, with serpent at feet. Son of Zeus.


or Asclepius as-klee'-pee-uhs (w)(p) Greek god of healing. Usually shown with a serpent-staff


a-thee'na (Minerva) (w)(p) Goddess of wisdom, weaving, crafts, and war. Usually holding spear and shield OR phiale and spear OR owl and spear. Daughter of Zeus


Ares air'-eez (Mars) (w)(p) God of war. Son of Zeus and Hera. Usually in military dress. Either holding a shield and spear (sometimes inverted as this example) or a patera and cornucopia.

Bonus Eventus

(w)(p) God of success both in commerce and in agriculture. Usually naked holding patera and laurel branch


dih-mee'-tur (Ceres) (w)(p) Goddess of agriculture. Usually shown with corn-ears and a cornucopia, torch or scepter (example2). My Euthenia and Demeter page


(Aequitas) (o)(o2) Female personification of fair dealing. Usually holding scales and cornucopia


dy-uh-ny'-suhs (Bacchus) (w)(p) God of wine. Representing the intoxicating power as well as its social and beneficent influences. Patron deity of both agriculture and theater. Usually holding thyrsos and grapes or kantharsos. Son of Zeus.


(Abundantia or Annona) (o) Spirit of prosperity, abundance and plenty. One of the four younger graces.Usually shown with corn-ears and a cornucopia. (Euthenia is depicted rather than Demeter as Demeter's usual attribute along with corn-ears were normally either a torch or scepter.) (example2)(3). My Euthenia and Demeter page


or Sarapis sə-ˈrā-pəs (w) God of the underworld (See link for more info). Usually enthroned, holding scepter with Kerberos (Cerberus) at his feet (attribution from Jekov) (see Serapis below)


hir'-uh (Juno) (w)(p) Goddess of marriage. Wife and sister to Zeus. Usually shown holding a scepter as well as a patera or phiale (Example2)(3)(4) See my patera vs phiale page.


or Heracles HERR-ə-kleez (Hercules) (w)(p) Greek mythological hero. Usually resting on a club or holding a patera over a tripod


hur'-meez (Mercury) (w)(p) God of commerce, boundaries and of travelers who cross them, of shepherds and cowherds, of orators of wit, of literature and poets, of athletics, of weights and measures and invention and commerce in general, and of the cunning of thieves and liars.He was also the messenger from the gods to humans. Son of Zeus. Usually shown with a purse and a caduceus. (Example2)


or Harmonia (Concordia) (w)(p)(o) Goddess of harmony and concord. Usually shown holding a patera and cornucopia. Sometimes holding the patera over a lighted altar. (Example2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Note: this goddess is spelled Homonoia in most references. Greek name Omonia.


hy-jee'-uh (Salus) (w)(p) Goddess of health, cleanliness and sanitation and later the moon. Daughter of Aesklepios and sister of Telesphoros. Usually shown feeding a serpent. (Example2)(3)(4)(5)


(w)(p) God of generosity. Usually holding tessera and cornucopia


nem'-uh-sis (w)(p) Spirit of divine retribution.Usually shown with scales and sometimes a wheel as well as with a cornucopia, scepter, rod, or parazonium (Example2)(3 (tooled))(4)(5)


ny'-kee (Victory) (w)(p) Goddess who personified triumph and victory. She was capable of flying or running at great speeds. Usually shown winged and holding a wreath and palm OR standing right and emperor standing left in military attire, holding spear, erecting trophy, which stands between them, with two seated captives at base. Nike sometimes appears on coins of others. The shown example shows her resting on a column. (example2)


pry-ay'-puhs (Mutinus Mutunus) (w)(p) Rustic fertility god of purely phallic character, protector of livestock, fruit plants, gardens and male genitalia. Usually raising his dress with both hands to show his penis


(w) Personification of rivers.Usually reclining with reed above flowing water from urn, vase or rock


sə-ˈrā-pəs (w) God of the underworld (See link for more info). Usually a bust wearing kalathos (a basket made of reeds) OR holding scepter. (See Hades-Serapis above)


teh-lehs-for-os (w)(o) Son of Aesklepios and Epione. Wikipedia lists him as the son of Aesklepios and Salus, though Salus is the Roman equivalent of Hygieia, his sister. With the gods, all things are possible, but in all other places concerning Hygieia and Telesphoros they list them as brother and sister rather than brother/son and sister/mother. Under Aesklepios it lists him as a son of Aesklepios and Epione. He symbolized recovery from illness. Usually cloaked standing facing


than'-uh-tahs (w)(p) Genius of death. Usually standing, holding inverted burning brand. There is discussion as to whether this is Thanatos or Eros (w)(p). Moushmov lists as Thanatos.


tie'-kee (Fortuna) (w)(p) Goddess who governed fortune and prosperity. Usually shown with a cornucopia and a ships rudder, sometimes on a globe. Sometimes wearing kalathos and sometimes the rudder is on a globe. (example2)(3)


zoos (Jupiter) (w)(p) Leader of the gods. Usually shown holding a scepter as well as a patera or phiale. Sometimes with thunderbolt or Nike or an eagle at feet. See my patera vs phiale page.

Gods or goddesses that appeared on coins of Elagabalus from Markianopolis that I don’t have yet in my collection:

Cybele (Magna Mater) (w)(p) Deification of Earth Mother. Usually seated between two lions holding a phiale and resting on drum.

My Euthenia and Demeter page

Provincial Gods and Goddesses (Same as this page, without the "don't have yet" section, with examples from other cities)

Reverse types of Elagabalus (from Markianopolis)

Reverse types of Elagabalus and Julia Soaemias (from Markianopolis)

Reverse types of Elagabalus and Julia Maesa (From Markianopolis)

My main Elagabalus page

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