My Web Pages

Sometimes stuff just doesn't seem to fit well all in one spot...

Old Foodways

This is where I tend to accumulate and share old recipes I have tried out, cookbook transcriptions and other food related projects and study

Recipe a Day

This blog is full of Middle English recipes I translated into modern English, it was originally a day by day exercise to better acquaint me with reading Middle English and understanding earlier food and cooking terms. It isn't updated very often anymore, but I still go in from time to time to add a few more recipes.

Stumbling into Historic Cookery

Sometimes it feels like I'm merely stumbling, in this blog I am often just thinking out loud, writing down ideas and sometimes documenting progress in study or cooking

The Cooks Dinner

The more and more experience and study I managed to get behind my belt (without having to loosen it too much), the more inspired I am to create a very period feast, or as least as best as I can do within the constraints of doing so in the present day and within the SCA.

Old Scrolls

Just as it says... I am missing tons of photos, a lot of far better scrolls but until I get photos of them...

It does show that we all start somewhere, I have uploaded both the good, the bad and the meh (the later usually kept tucked away someplace rather than used).