
Pick up from your hotel at 9am with your privet A/C Bus & tour guide

Drive to Egyptian museum Located at Al-Tahrir square in the heart of Cairo. It is the largest of Egyptian antiquities museums all over the world. It allows the visitor to become acquainted with the antiquities of Egypt's Pharaonic periods. It houses around 250,000 antique pieces covering the whole history of ancient Egypt, which extends over the past live thousand years. The exhibits of this museum arc famous for their historical and artistic value. The most famous and exciting in this museum is the magnificent collection of " Tut Ankh Amun ". There also stands a statue of Akhcna;on, the father of monotheism and another of NefertitL his wife.

Take ride around Thrir square feel and touch the Spirit of revolution With a description of the causes and events of the Egyptian revolution.

-Drive Continue to Pyramids of Giza On the West Bank of the Nile facing Cairo and on top of Giza plateau rise the three Pyramids erected by Cheops, Chepren and .Vlycerinus, guarded by the mysterious Sphinx, which is a mythical statue with the body of a lion and a human head. The three Pyramids and the Sphinx are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World and the most important tourist site in Fgypt. The Great pyramid, built by King Cheops (IV Dynasty), circa 2690 BO. The pyramid covers an area of 13 acres. Its height, originally 146 meters, has now become 137 meters after the erosion of its summit. The Total Volume of its stones amounts to 2.5 million cubic meters. The ancient Egyptian's aim in building the pyramids was that they should serve as sepulchers for their Pharaohs to preserve their bodies, for they believed in resurrection and immortality. Close to the eastern ilank of the pyramid of Cheops lie three small pyramids dedicated cither to his wives or family member. King Chefren, the son of Cheops. built the second pyramid. Its height reaches 136 meters. At the base, it measures 215.5 ms Aquare. Its interior is simple, with two entrances on the north side. It had an exterior covering of fine-grain limestone. Now, only a small part of this covering remains. The third pyramid was built in the reign of "Menkaura" theson of Chefren; its height is 62 meters. The lower wall of this pyramid is encased in a laycrof granite

Visit the factory of perfume, papyrus and know how to manufacture and explore the Magic of East it,s chance to buy souvenirs.

Your Lunch with Middle Class Egyptian family 'host, welcome drink. start to test and know how to cook Lunch With the family. afternoon tea/coffee general talks, during the Lunch back to hotel for some rest

In Evening the Nile Pharaoh show for 3 hours ride on the Nile enjoy The floating restaurant open buffet - Belly dance- tanora -music band back to hotel.


- All transfer are included as per Itinerary

- Egyptian museum ticket

- ride around the Tahrir square

- Pyramids of Giza ticket

- factory of perfume, papyrus

- lunch in Egyptian Middle Class family 'host

- Evening with Nile Pharaoh ticket