Research Topics

#Geostatistics #Remote_Sensing #Data_Fusion #Geo_AI

Spatial Analysis using Geostatistics

Geostatistics is a collection of statistical tools for analyzing spatio-temporal data. It has been widely used for spatial prediction or interpolation of sparsely sampled data. However, geostatisics can also be used for data integration, uncertainty modeling, and risk analysis as well as spatial prediction. Please keep in mind that geostatistics is NOT merely an advanced interpolation algorithm! We are trying to develop advanced geostatsitical algorithms and to apply them to environmental problems for supporting decision-makings.

Remote Sensing of Environment

Remote sensing is the science of obtaining information through the analysis of data acquired from various man-made satellites and airplanes without making physical contact with the objects of interest. Our research focuses on environmental monitoring and thematic mapping with advanced methodological developments.

Multi-Source/Sensor Spatial Data Fusion

New advances in various data acquisition techniques have made it possible to rapidly collect large volumes of data sets. To make optimized decisions, better use must be made of all available information acquired from different sources or sensors. Data fusion or integration aims that 1 + 1 is more than 2! Multi-source data analysis, however, cannot be handled using the single source data processing and requires a new data analysis concept. We are developing efficient data integration models for various application fields.


Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques can extract undiscovered information from big data. However, AI models developed by the computer vision community must be modified to properly process geo-big data including satellite images, since the spatio-temporal nature of geo-big data should be accounted for during data processing. We are developing advanced AI models tailored for Earth observation and modeling with geo-big data