Workflow Vignettes

The EarthCube Workflows group is collecting "vignettes" that illustrate how workflows are or could potentially be used in geosciences. These vignettes illustrate graphically and concisely the role of workflows in a particular setting, and they are very easy to create.

We welcome vignettes from everyone in the community. Simply send:

    • 2-3 sentences describing the goal of using workflows environment, mentioning who are the users of the workflow and/or its results

    • 2-3 sentences describing why workflows are useful (reuse, verification, provenance, etc)

    • a graphic, e.g. a workflow sketch or a data product of a workfllow

    • a sentence mentioning the institutions involved, POC, and a URL if available

    • (optional): a list of major steps involved in the workflows

Workflow Vignettes