EarthCube Workflows Roadmap


The goal of the EarthCube Workflow Community Group is to create an initial roadmap to foster best ideas and approaches for the establishment of sustainable and effective workflow working groups and help shape future EarthCube plans.

The roadmap development is a collaborative open process led by the steering committee and including the input of all participants who wish to contribute.

The roadmap document will be considered a "live document" that will be updated over time throughout the EarthCube activities.

Latest Release of the Workflows Roadmap

The latest release of the EarthCube Workflows Community Roadmap was on September 2012.

Download a PDF of the Executive Summary of the Workflows Roadmap Report here

Download a PDF of the Workflows Roadmap here


Full draft to NSF for initial review and feedback: June 1, 2012

Final review by the Workflows group: June 5, 2012 workshop (see site)

Release of the roadmap: June 7, 2012

Review of the roadmap: June 12-14, 2012 EarthCube community meeting (see site)

Release of a revised roadmap: September 15, 2012

The roadmap is available for comments from anyone in the community. Please send email with comments or to request access to the steering committee at


We ask that you please contribute to the roadmap by filling out this questionnaire.

Here is the editable of the up to date Workflows Roadmap, which is open to everyone for contributions.

From March until June 2012, many people contributed to the original roadmap by participating in the group's discussions at the weekly meetings, and attending the workshops. The roadmap document was edited by many contributors from the community.

Download a PDF of the initial Workflows Roadmap as of June 7 here (now obsolete)

Based on feedback from the community, the roadmap was revised with a final version released on September 2012.

Download a PDF of the Workflows Roadmap here

Anyone can continue to contribute through the mailing lists. Start by sending email with your comments to

Latest Version

The roadmap document is structured according to NSF guidelines (see below), and contains ten required sections. Each of these sections is kept in a separate page. A publicly editable document has been set up for each section. All the documents are accessible through the tabs on the left-hand side of this page.

The documents are publicly readable. To request access permission to edit the roadmap document, please send email to

Here is the editable of the up to date Workflows Roadmap, which is open to everyone for contributions.

NSF Guidance

NSF guidance for the roadmaps of all EarthCube community groups are to include the following ten sections:

  1. Purpose: Introduction, including community(ies) to be served, technical area(s) of the roadmap, and brief discussion what improvements in the present state-of-the-art in geoscience data discovery, management, access, or utilization it will enable. Also include examples of how the outcomes from your effort will enable the community to be more productive and capable.

  2. Communication: Description of a communications plan with end users, developers, and sponsors, as well as links to and feedback from other EarthCube community groups and EarthCube concept projects to promote systems integration and accelerate development. Include a discussion of needed interactions with allied fields, agencies, and other related activities (present and desired).

  3. Challenges: Description of major drivers, trends, and shifts impacting or that could impact the focus of a working group, including but not limited to changing technology, adoption culture, and community engagement.

  4. Requirements: Process(es) to be used to get the necessary technical, conceptual, and/or community (i.e., end-user) requirements at the outset and during the life of the activity, including approaches to achieving community/end-user consensus.

  5. Status: Description of the state of the art within the topical area of your roadmap. This should include approaches and technologies from geoscience, cyberinfrastructure, and other fields, the public or commercial sector, etc. that have the potential to benefit the EarthCube enterprise.

  6. Solutions: Process for the identification and comparison (pros and cons) of approaches and technology solutions that will contribute to the EarthCube goal of satisfying current and future research needs of the geoscience end-user.

  7. Process: Process(es) to develop community standards, protocols, test data, use cases, etc. that are necessary to mature the functionality of the topical area and promote interoperability and integration between elements of EarthCube.

  8. Timeline: Timeline for the project and all related sub-projects, including prioritization of activities and measurable milestones/major achievements and total resources (human and financial) required to achieve roadmap goals over a period of the next 3 to 5 years.

  9. Management: Management/governance/coordination plan and decision-making processes necessary to successfully establish standing committee(s) and subcommittees (if warranted), including a plan to identify and respond to shifts in technologies and changing needs at the end-point of use. Include discussion of approaches to educating end-users and achieving community consensus on advancing the capability/technological solution.

  10. Risks: Identification of risks and additional challenges to the successful establishment of any working group, and any unique risks associated with a working group associated with your topical area. With respect to identified risks, an approach to risk mitigation should be addressed

NSF also pointed us to generic guidelines for the development of a roadmap which can be found at