Testing Words to Know!

Analyze [anl-iz] -To examine in detail, separate into parts, in a methodical way.
The bacteria were analyized under a powerful microscope.

Infer [in-fur] - What do you think? Read between the lines; Use the clues; What if?

The house was so bare that we could infer that the family had moved.

Estimate [es-tuh-meyt] To roughly calculate or judge the value,; a "good guess."

Estimate the area of the rectangle using the information given.

Omit [oh-mit] To leave out, exclude, or leave undone.

Submit your answer, being careful not to omit the heading from your paper.

Eliminate [e'lime,nā] To completely remove or get rid of.
The police have eliminated them from the list of suspects.

Justify [juhs-tuh-fahy] To defend, validate, or prove.

Be sure to justify your answer with specific examples.

Evaluate \i·val·yoo·āt\ (verb) To judge, rate, grade, or form an idea about something.Check the rubric and evaluate your own work before you turn it in. (Step 6 in The Big 6)

Summarize [suhm-uh-rahyz] To give a brief statement of th main points.
In one paragraph, summarize your Social Studies fair project.

Contrast [v. kuhn-trast, kon-trast; n. kon-trast] To show the differences between something.
Contrast the school systems in the United States and Japan.

Compare [kuhm-pair] To find and point out the similarities between two or more things.
Compare your answer
to the explanation on page 14.

Support [suh-pohrt] To hold up or give strength to.
Support your answer with facts from your textbook.

Modify [mod-uh-fahy] To make partial or minor changes.
Modify the paragraph to show your perspective about the topic.

Sequence [see-kwuhns] To arrage in a particular order.
Sequence the list of historical events in order from oldest to the most recent.

Cite [sahyt] To give credit to an authority.
Always cite your source
s even if you have put the ideas in your own words.

Verify [ver-uh-fahy] To prove or demonstrate that something is true or accurate.
He was able to
verify his age by showing his drivers license.

Formulate [fawr-myuh-leyt] To create or devise a strategy. To express in a formula.
Formulate a plan to safely deliver the product to the warehouse.

Describe [dih-skrahyb] To explain using words and details, qualities, and characteristics.
Describe your typical winter day using vivid details.