Spanish Continues!

Post date: Feb 14, 2014 4:59:52 PM

7th and 8th grade Spanish students kept up with course work despite weather conditions by using Remind 101, WVVS platform, and Elluminate (online 2-way virtual classroom)! Students were informed of online sessions and assignments through the use of the FREE teacher reminder tool Remind 101. They were then able to finish assignments, study for upcoming tests and submit work through their regular virtual school platform. Their WVDE online virtual school teacher, Srta Leah Devine held class each day online through the online interactive classroom called, Eluminate.

The communication system is still new, but Sra Coyle is optimistic that in the future, students can continue with learning throughout all interruptions! "I wish we had had these new options in place during the extended water crisis, but we learned from that, and are using it successfully now to keep students on track with the curriculum without cutting corners!"