
Ivan Kovachevichat

To best summarize what the heralds do in the SCA I thought it best to go to the source and quote them.

" Welcome to the website of the SCA College of Arms!

Heralds in the Society for Creative Anachronism have many jobs. We are fondly called book heralds, helping to research period naming and armorial practices for the registration of names and armory for the populace. We are voice heralds, calling announcements, proclaiming who is fighting upon the field, and acting as the voice of nobility in court. We are protocol heralds, recording awards and honors bestowed, drafting ceremonies, and determining precedence and other period legal niceties in all sorts of situations. We also work closely with our good friends in the College of Scribes, whose art and artistry with pen and brush make what we do beautiful. Anyone can be a herald. You can be a herald!

As this site is meant to serve heralds and non-heralds alike, we are in the midst of redoing some site organization. Currently, the site is broken up into several sections with a menu at the top of each page."

For more information about the College of Heralds or how to become one please go to http://heraldry.sca.org/ or you can contact our herald the wonderful Ivan Kovachevichat at

Herald@dunor.org .

If you are interested in becoming a deputy herald for the Barony of Dun Or please let her know.

For those who are seeking forms to register a name, device, or badge in the Kingdom of Caid please see the forms below which are in fillable PDF format.

For help editing your PDF file online , free, try http://www.pdfescape.com . On this site you can add images as well as text and white out items.

From the Herald

I encourage everyone in the SCA to learn a bit about heraldry. One of the first resources I suggest is "Heraldry for the Non-Herald" by Baron Cormac Mor http://heraldry.sca.org/armory/newprimer/

If you get bitten by the bug and want to learn more, here are some other places to continue your education:


SCA College of Arms on the Web: http://heraldry.sca.org/

East Kingdom College of Heralds: http://yehudaheraldry.com/ekhu/

Please contact me for any help with questions, device and badge design, name creation, and submissions. I'm here to help.

Yours In Service,

Ivan Kovachevich