About The Baron & Baroness


Bjorn Zenthfeer

Persona: Bjorn is a late 9th century viking and a war band leader in the Great Heathen Army. After landing in Britain, he served under Halfdan, Ivar, and eventually settled in a previously Mercian holding in the Mercian/Danelaw borderlands. Together with his wife, Roisin, they do their best to protect their holdings in the chaos that is 9th century Britain.

Device: Purpure, on a bend between a hunting horn and an axe reversed Or, three pawprints palewise sable.

SCA interests: Bjorn enjoys armored combat, archery, woodworking, brewing, dancing, playing games, and making sure everyone has a great time.

Quote: “What did I do now?”


Roisin ni Brian

Persona: Despite her slightly anachronistic name, Roisin is a 9th century Anglo Saxon noblewoman living in what was formerly the mighty kingdom of Mercia. Her world is turned upside down when her lands are first stringently taxed to pay Danegeld, then raided by war bands of the Great Heathen Army in their pursuit of Mercian domination. Her husband is killed in a raid, leaving her alone to protect her lands. In an unlikely alliance, she teams up with a Viking by the name of Bjorn. Together they do their best to protect their lands, eventually marry, and have several children.

(Additionally, Roisin has a 16th century English rapier persona. For more information on that one, ask her!)

Device: Per fess argent and vert, a fess nebuly between a rose sable seeded and a rose argent seeded sable

SCA interests: Roisin enjoys rapier combat, sewing, bardic, organizing stuff, and anything that inspires fun.

Quote: “Bjorn!!!!!”

Baronial Progress

Greetings All! Bjorn and I were finally able to hammer out our baronial progress for the duration of the year. Here are the events that at least one of us is planning on going to. We’d be honored to have any of the Dun Or populace join us at any of these events! Please let us know who plans to be there (or just show up, that’s totally okay too!). I’ve marked the events we will be brining the baronial pavilion to with an *. Set up and tear down help for these events is always greatly appreciated. If we don’t have the baronial we will be bringing a pop-up and some rugs for as our baronial home base for the day.

If you would like to attend an event that we’re not going to, but are concerned about not having a spot to hang out for the day please let us know— we can help make arrangements.

40 Year/Coronation* June 23-24, al-Sahid (Victorville) - Bjorn & Roisin

Lyondemere Anniversary July 21, Lyondemere (Torrance) - Bjorn or Roisin

Festival of the Rose, August 18 TBA- Roisin

Highland War*, September 1-2, al-Sahid (around Victorville) - Bjorn & Roisin

Angels Anniversary, September 8, Angels (Monrovia)- Bjorn & Roisin

Crown Tournament*, September 15, TBA- Bjorn & Roisin (Bjorn will be fighting in Crown lists)

Rapier Open, September 22, Altavia (probably Sylmar)- Roisin

Great Western War*, October October 3-7- Bjorn & Roisin (This is the big war!! Make sure to pre-register— you must pre-register to land allocate with the barony!)

Dreiburgen Anniversary (maybe), October 27, Dreiburgen (Riverside)- Bjorn or Roisin

Calafia Anniversary, November 3, Calafia (San Diego)- Bjorn

Navaheim Anniversary & Investiture (maybe), November 10, Navaheim (Ridgecrest)- Bjorn or Roisin

Dun Or Yule, Dun Or- Bjorn & Roisin

A couple of notes:

Fighting events for armored combat:

40 Year (tournaments TBA)

Lyondemere Anniversary

Highland War (melee)

Angels Anniversary

Crown*** if you intend to fight in the crown list or just want to do pick-ups

Great Western War (melee)

Dreiburgen Anniversary

Calafia Anniversary

Navaheim Anniversary

Fighting events for rapier combat:

40 Year (tournaments TBA)

Lyondemere Anniversary

Highland War (melee)

Angels Anniversary

Rapier Open

Great Western War (melee + tournaments)

Dreiburgen Anniversary

Calafia Anniversary

Navaheim Anniversary

Major arts events (there is usually at least an arts competition at every event on our progress, but the events below will feature classes as well):

40 Year

Festival of the Rose

Highland War

Great Western War

Carpools are available for all of these events.

Unfortunately Bjorn and I will not be able to attend Gyldenholt Anniversary this upcoming weekend or Collegium the weekend after. I highly recommend both events, however!! Collegium will have a lot of great classes on just about anything SCA related.

Last note: Make sure you pre-register for Great Western War!!! You need to be pre-registered in order to land allocate with the Barony!. Pre-register by June 30 and get 125 square feet of extra land. Pre-registration closes August 31st. PayPal is available.

Long Live Dun Or!!