Basic Goods

If we summarise the statements on human rights within the United Nations system, it might be as follows: basic goods are basic rights. Goods have different characteristics and functions. Some are essential and others are peripheral. For example, most people can make do without a PS4, but no one can live without clothing, food, housing or travelling. Basic Goods include nutritious food, clean water, sanitation, health services, education services, housing, electricity, and transporting services. However, the consumption of basic goods are very unequal even if they are basic rights. Here are some harsh facts:

Economists are usually criticised as cold blooded, because the poor are simply treated as the lower tail of the wealth distribution. In line with the Public Value strategy of Cardiff Business School, one of my research agenda is to study basic goods, especially for the poor. People are different, but should be equal in terms of basic goods and basic rights. My current research outputs focus on the four most important basic goods: clothing, food, housing, and travelling.



