Genetics problems answers

1. If a female is a carrier for hemophilia X H X h and is married to a man with hemophilia X h Y , what is the probability that she will have a daughter with hemophilia?


2. A normal female marries a man who has hemophilia . (You’ll need to figure out the genotypes). What percentage of their sons will have hemophilia? 0

3. If a female has hemophilia and is married to a normal man.

What percentage of her sons will have hemophilia? all sons

What percentage of her daughters will have hemophilia? none, but they will be carriers X H X h

4. A woman with sickle cell anemia is married to a man who is a carrier for the trait.

( a a x A a). What is the chance of their children having sickle cell anemia? 1/2

5. What is the chance that two people (both being carriers for sickle cell anemia) will have a child with the disease? 1/4

6, What is the chance that a female who is a carrier for sickle cell anemia will have a child with sickle cell anemia if she marries a normal man? 0

7. Von Willebrand Disease is an autosomal dominant disorder (not located on the sex chromosomes) where blood will not clot properly.

What would be the two possible genotypes of a person who has the disorder? DD or Dd

If a person is heterozygous for the trait (having the disease) is married to a normal spouse (dd), what is the chance that their children will have the disorder. 1/2