vocab 11 789

Vocabulary for Achievement - 11

Lesson 7

Aspersions noun

Attacks on a person’s character or honesty; damaging or unfavorable remarks

Compunction noun

A strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt; a sting of conscience or pang of guilt.

Derision noun

Hateful or mocking laughter; ridicule

Disapprobation noun

Moral disapproval

Ostracize verb

To banish or exclude from a group; to shun


verb to criticize sharply

noun Strong criticism

Revulsion noun

A sudden, intense feeling of disgust

Scurrilous adjective

Vulgar, coarse, or abusive in expression; foul-mouthed

Spurn verb

To reject scornfully

Vitriolic adjective

Intensely and bitterly harsh; stinging

Lesson 8

Accountable adjective

Responsible; required to answer for one’s actions


Assiduous adjective

Giving constant attention to; hard-working; conscientious


verb To fail to meet an obligation

noun Failure to complete a task or meet an obligation

noun A situation that remains in effect unless specifically set in some other way

Feckless adjective

Ineffective; feeble; useless

Careless and irresponsible


adjective Imposed as a duty or an obligation

adjective Currently holding as office or a position

noun a person currently holding position or an office

Liability noun

A legal responsibility or obligation

Something that holds one back; a handicap

Mandatory adjective

Required or commanded by authority

Negligence noun

Neglect; lack of proper care or attention

Onerous adjective

Difficult to bear, carry or do; troublesome; burdensome

Remiss adjective

Lax or careless in attending to duty

Lesson 9

Acquiesce verb

To agree or accept passively or without protest

Adamant adjective

Stubbornly determined; not swayed by pleas, appeals or reason

Balk verb

To stubbornly or suddenly refuse to do something

To stop short and refuse to go on

Camaraderie noun

Comradeship; lighthearted good will

Cantankerous adjective

Disagreeable; bad-tempered; likely to quarrel

Compliance noun

The act of going along with a request, demand, or rule; obedience

Presumptuous adjective

Excessively bold or forward; going beyond what is proper or right

Propitiate verb

To soothe bad feelings; to appease; to regain friendship or good will

Tractable adjective

Easily managed or controlled

Volition noun

The power of choosing or deciding; free will