9th Doctorissimes (2015)

April 13th, 2015 (MSE, 6th Floor)

|9h30 -10h|  Reception and Breakfast

|10h -10h45| Keynote speaker

Gilles Saint-Paul : [Title]

|11h - 12h| Forecasting Financial Crises and Recessions

11h: Antoine Kornprobst (CES): "A practical approach to financial crisis indicators based on random matrix theory"

Discussant: Lakshithe Wagalath (IESEG School of Management)

11h30: Brendan Vannier (PSE): "What if all countries were actually in the same boat? A comparison of countries' vulnerability based on Markov Switching Models"

Discussant: Catherine Doz (CES-PSE)

|12h - 13h30| Lunch break & Posters

Anne Hilger (PSE-IRD/DIAL): "Non-cognitive skills, social networks and labour market outcomes in Bangladesh"

Alexandre Mayol (PSE) & Thierry Pénard (CREM): "Facebook use and individual well-being: like me to make me happier!"

Thomas Breda (CNRS-PSE), Son Thierry Ly (ENS) & Clémentine Van Effenterre (PSE): "The effect of private schooling on the gender gap in science"

Milos Markovic & Michael A. Stemmer (Paris 1): "Firms Growth Dynamics and Financial Constraints in East and West: Comparing Belgian and Serbian SMEs During and After the Crisis"

Pauline Grégoire Marchand (PSE): "L'impact des accidents de la vie sur le surendettement des ménages"

Johanna Piechucka (PSE): "Regulatory Contracts and Cost Efficiency - The French Urban Public Transport Case"

Nicolas Contreras (PSE): "School Autonomy, Education Quality and Development: an Instrumental Variable Approach"

Frédéric Vinas (PSE): "Bank’s business models through the credit cycle: Comparison of intermediation cost and contagion risk"

|13h30 - 14h30| Preferences : Some theory and some empirical evidences

13h30: Elias Bouacida (CES-PSE) & Daniel Martin (PSE): "An Empirical Application of Behavioral Welfare Economics"

Discussant: François Gardes (CES-PSE)

14h: Julien Combe, Olivier Tercieux & Camille Terrier (PSE): "The Design of Teacher Assignment: Theory and Evidence"

Discussant: Jean-Christophe Vergnaud (CES-CNRS)

|14h45 - 15h45| Trade and public policies at the international level

14h45: Caroline Gomes Nogueira (CES-UNECLAC): "The determinants of Outward Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America"

Discussant: Felipe Starosta de Waldemar

15h15: Immaculada Martinez & Thais Nunez Rocha (CES-PSE): "How valuable the IEAs can be? The case of trade in hazardous chemicals and    persistant organic polluants"

Discussant: TBA

|15h45 - 16h15| Coffee Break

|16h15 - 17h15| European Union: integration and spillover effects

16h15: Nathalie Ferrière (PSE-EHESS): "Do Other Donors React to European Food Aid?"

Discussant: Marc Raffinot (Université Paris Dauphine – LEDA)

16h45: Sophie Piton (PSE-CEPII): "Monetary Integration and the Nontradable Sector"

Discussant: Lise Patureau (Université Paris Dauphine)

|17h30| Cocktail

The Doctorissimes team: Anil Alpman, Sophie Dessein, Rozenn Hotte, Anna Petronevich, Thomas Ruellou, Francesco Sergi, Rémi Yin, Anastasia Zhutova