10th Doctorissimes (2015)

December 15th, 2015 (Room 117, 1st floor, MSE)


9:30-10:00 – Reception and Breakfast


10:00-11:15 – Keynote speaker

 Chair: Sofia Valeonti (Université Paris 1 – PHARE)

Jérôme Gautié (Université Paris 1 – CES)

 From century to century : minimum wage, economic science and public debate in the US, France and United Kingdom (1890-2015)

Lien vers le papier : http://www.cepremap.fr/depot/docweb/docweb1518.pdf


11:30-12:30 – Session 1 

Development economics: migration and pensions

Chair: Sébastien Bock (CES-PSE)

 Marlon Seror (PSE) – Migration, structural transformation and economic growth in China

Discussant : Thomas Vendryes (CES-ENS Cachan)

 Yang Huang (PSE) – Universal social pension and spousal labor supply in rural Thailand

Discussant : Elena Stancanelli (CES-PSE)


12:30-14:00 – Lunch and Poster session

 Simon Schopohl (PSE) Communication games with cheap-talk and verifiable messages

Rahantamialisoa Fanirisoa (CES) Option valuation with IG-GARCH model and an U-shaped pricing kernel.


14:00-15:00 – Session 2

Political economy

Chair : Can Askan (CES-PSE)

Hamzeh Arabzadeh (CES-PSE-IRES) – The political economy of twin deficits and wage setting centralization

Discussant: TBA

Nhung Luu (PSE) – Housing boom, growth and business cycle

Discussant : Bertrand Achou (CES-PSE)


15:15-16:15: – Session 3

Banking sector and financial markets after the Crisis

Chair: Cyril Milhaud (PSE-EHESS)

Julien Pinter (CES) – The post-crisis puzzling behavior of deposit rates: choosing the right benchmark

Discussant: Gunther Capelle-Blancard (PSE-CES)

Kehan Li (CES) – The Spectral Stress VaR

Discussant: Isabelle Nagot (Université Paris 1-CES)


16:15-16:45 – Coffee break


16:45 -17:45 – Session 4

On firms’ performances: trade and environment

Chair: Aurélien Goutsmedt (Université Paris 1 - CES)

Charlotte Sandoz (CES-PSE) – Productivity, misallocation and trade

Discussant: Gianluca Santoni (CEPII) 

Evgenii Monastyrenko (PSE) – Cross-border M&AS and eco-environmental performance of European energy utilities

Discussant: Katrin Millock (CES-PSE)


18:00 - Cocktail

The Doctorissimes team: Can Askan, Sébastien Bock, Matthieu Cassou, Sophie Dessein, Aurélien Goutsmedt, Cyril Milhaud, Francesco Sergi, Sofia Valeonti.