15th Doctorissimes (2019)

April 15th, 2019 (6th floor, MSE)

8:30-9:00 – Reception and Breakfast (Lobby)

9:00-10:00 – Session 1


Chair: Bin Wang

Arsham Reizinezhad – Does income inequality feed the Dutch Disease?

Discussant: Rémi Bazillier (Paris 1)

Thomas Despois Factors interpretation and (in)stability in dynamic factor models

Discussant: Marie Bessec (CGEMP - Paris Dauphine)

10:00-10:15 – Coffee Break

10:15-11:15 – Session 2


Chair : Martín Fernández Sánchez

Katharina Längle Upgrading of Exports : Does the Integration into trade Agreements Pave the Way to Product Upgrading?

Discussant: Anne-Célia Disdier (PSE - INRA)

Fernando Garcia Alvarado Worldwide Network of Income Tax Evasion : Evidence from the Panama Papers

Discussant: Michel Grabisch (Paris 1)

11:15-12:15 – Keynote speaker

Chair: Max Lobeck (PSE, Paris I)

Ghazala Azmat (Science Po, LIEPP)

Understanding Gender Gaps among Young Professionals

12:15-14:15 – Lunch and Poster session (6th Floor)

14:15-15:45 – Session 3


Chair: Etienne Le Rossignol (Paris 1)

Zhaojun Xing Voronoi Language Games with Knightian Uncertainty

Discussant: Jean-Marc Bonnisseau (Paris 1)

Kevin Leportier On the meaning of freedom of choice in an interactive context

Discussant: Franz Dietrich (Paris 1 )

Gedeão Locks Does Minimum Income Avoid Youth Homelessness? Evidence from France.

Discussant: David Margolis (PSE)

15:45-16:00 – Coffee Break

16:00 -17:00 – Session 4


Chair: Yara Zeineddine (Paris 1)

Marian Atallah Skills and Self-Employment in Developing Countries: Evidence from the World Banks STEP surveys

Discussant: Laurine Martinoty (Paris 1)

Cem Özgüzel Foreign-born Mobility and Local Labor Markets: Evidence from the Great Recession in Spain

Discussant: Anthony Edo (CEPII)

17:00 - Cocktail